Chronic Disease Kills

chronicXdiseaseAt one time, infectious disease took first place when it came to deaths (it is still a threat), but modern day lifestyles have given rise to chronic diseases that have now become the leading cause of deaths and disability in the US and Europe.

Even in places where infectious diseases are still rampant, chronic disease is a major cause of pre-mature death and can be considered a modern day holocaust accounting for 70% of all deaths. [Read more…]

Meditate for a Mind-Body Connection

meditation_weightXloss2Meditation has been used for centuries as a method for calming and clearing the mind and relaxing the body.

It is a known technique that works and has been used for stress reduction by the medical profession by both doctors and hospitals world-wide…but can it actually help you to lose weight?

Meditation is a tool…a very powerful tool that allows you to release your thoughts and in so doing, transcend into a peaceful state of being. [Read more…]

The Controls to Aging are on the Inside Not the Outside

aging3Aging is a natural part of the human experience, it is a natural part of the process of life…however getting “old” is something that is within our control.

Getting prematurely old…accelerated aging is avoidable if we are addressing what our bodies need now.

What kind of quality of life do you have when you are older but unable to participate with life anymore? You have no energy or stamina so even normal functions of daily living become difficult. You can no longer climb a flight of stairs by yourself and even rise from a chair without a struggle. Forget about the extracurricular activities like dancing and biking and even taking a nice long walk. At this point, the fun is gone and if you can’t enjoy life anymore and have fun then what’s the purpose of being here? [Read more…]

Healthy Mind…Healthy Body

TagingXprocesshanks to modern science, what used to be considered “science fiction” when it came to looking beautiful has now become aesthetically available to nearly anyone who wants it.

Potions, lotions, wrinkle creams, Botox and even surgery…are all used in the war against aging…some with pretty amazing results. [Read more…]

6 Habits Sure to Age You

fitness1Enjoying good senior health and longevity means paying attention now…it means making the right choices early on and eliminating any bad habits you are practicing now that could effect and threaten your future physical well-being.

How you look and feel when you are older is dependent on how you treat yourself now. It also has everything to do with whether you are speeding up the aging process or slowing it down.

Let’s look at some habits that will definitely age you: [Read more…]

Exercise and Endorphins are a “Happy Team”

ENDORPHINSXANDXHAPPINESS2Working out is no longer just about working out your physical frame and building muscle. Many recent studies are now focused on how exercise boosts brain function regardless of age or level of fitness.

Studies prove that making time for exercise (treating it as a priority) provides some serious mental benefit’s such as an increase and boost in mood and lowered rates of depression. [Read more…]

How “Clean” is Your Diet?

eatXcleanWithout a doubt, consistent challenging exercise is the number one anti-aging strategy. However, without the support of a healthy “clean diet” no amount of exercise can make you look and feel young.

A healthy diet is your ticket to feeling better…that’s no big secret, but combine challenging exercise with a healthy clean diet and you also have your best ticket for slowing the aging process.

So, while proper consistent exercise is number one in the anti-aging war, a clean healthy diet ranks number two and is just as important. [Read more…]

Muscle Downgrade is a Blow to Your Body

atrophyStrong healthy muscles are vital ingredients in the anti-aging war. Although you can’t stop chronological aging (it begins the day you are born), there is recent biological aging and growing evidence that indicates that this kind of aging can be slowed and even reversed…particularly in the muscle tissue because muscle aging isn’t necessarily chronological.

Truth is, muscle aging can start at a very young age and many young adults unknowingly suffer from symptoms of muscle aging due to physical inactivity, poor diet, stress, and substance abuse.

When muscles age, they lose their aerobic capacity and strength and also their size…but it is possible to stop this process of “muscle downgrade.” [Read more…]

High Blood Sugar is a Silent but Destructive Villain. Are You Paying Attention?

Diabetes Word Cloud ConceptIf you consistently carry excess weight…especially around the mid-section, feeling tired all the time or have become a slave to your food cravings and riding the hunger roller coaster each day, you may be suffering from unhealthy, unstable blood glucose levels.

Unfortunately, this creeping blood sugar intolerance often displays no visible symptoms which make it one of the most destructive changes to your body associated with accelerated aging and the increased risk of disease. [Read more…]

The Top Three Health Villians

heart-attackUnfortunately most present lifestyles lead to some form of chronic disease later in life with heart disease, cancer and diabetes as the “top three villains. These killers are silent and extremely proficient. They are more invasive, stealthier, and more deadly than any terrorist group the world has ever encountered.

Number one is heart disease with 1 in every 3 deaths contributed to this severe health issue alone. About ½ of those who die of heart attacks die within an hour of their first symptoms and before they can reach the hospital. [Read more…]