Reverse the Aging Process with Strength Training

With advancing age, comes change. However, the changes that occur are accelerated or stalled depending on our actions. Whatever we continually put into play mentally and physically becomes our world…including our health – the foundation of all other things.

If our lives have been sedentary for the most part, then aging means weight gain, lost muscle mass and suffering from aches and pains – all the result of being out of shape. If we have not cared for our body physically, then our diet has likely suffered through the years too. A sedentary lifestyle coupled with poor nutrition is a formula for the early onset of disease and “age acceleration.”

Wearing glasses and hearing aids and engaging in cosmetic surgical procedures as well as dying one’s hair are all popular and effective methods of adapting to some of the “effects” of aging. However, they only ease the effects and do nothing to stop the aging process itself.

The most effective thing that can be done to “reverse the aging process” is to engage in regular strength training exercise.

Muscles are the engines of our body where energy is released, power is produced and movement originates. Because the condition of our engine has a lot to do with the way we look, feel and function, strong muscles are very advantageous and the only way to get strong muscles is to use them.

Muscle mass is mandatory for healthy living and longevity. But, the reality is, you and I (and everyone else) have been losing muscle and gaining fat every day since sometime in our twenties and studies reveal that most of this muscle loss is due to the fact that we’ve stopped doing active things that require muscle power – not because we age.  This gradual loss of muscle mass starts a vicious cycle as it weakens the entire body. The immune system, nerve cells, hormones and other chemicals are all negatively affected.

The truth is, if you are not building muscle, then you’re losing it. If your body is not receiving the necessary stimulus to trigger muscle growth, a slow process of muscle atrophy or wasting begins. This loss of muscle tissue directly or indirectly causes the degenerative processes and conditions that characterize the aging process.

In other words, lack of movement is devastating to the human body.

Since most of us are employed in jobs that don’t require maximum use of our muscles, we need to create avenues that actively engage and put them to use. Strength training is the answer.

Only strength training can prevent age-related muscle loss. No other form of exercise or physical activity is adequate. Strength training is not only the most effective exercise in addressing the biomarkers that affect how young we look, but more importantly, how young we feel. It is empowered to reverse many components of the aging process and is probably the single most effective way to lengthen life.

Although aerobic activity helps your heart (the most effective fitness programs consist of strengthening component and a cardiovascular component), they alone fail to stop muscle loss. Just being “active” is not enough either. Becoming stronger is key. It’s what helps you remain active for your entire life.

Strength training makes you stronger and improves the quality of your life no matter when you begin. Even if you are currently enjoying your nineties, strength training can add valuable, active years to your life.  In fact, six months of proper strength training has the power to turn back one of the body’s molecular clocks and rejuvenate aging muscles to the extent that they are nearly as powerful as those found in someone much younger.

If you’ve been searching for the perfect anti-aging pill, search no more. Proper strength training exercise can rejuvenate and take years off your chronological age and it’s all natural.  In other words, proper exercise adds years to your life and life to your years. It does not matter if you are a 40-year-old runner or 75-year-old retiree when you begin.

Bottom line is this

Strength is not a luxury as we age. Increasing strength is now a proven way to make the aging process turn around at the genetic level within the cell. It is an absolute necessity for longevity and health. Strong muscles lead to strong bones and increased bone mineral density.

Those that age well and seem younger than their years, retain their lean tissue mass and have a longer life, fewer illnesses, and better mental functioning.

The right exercise program will increase your lean muscle mass, and your metabolic rate – burning more calories and producing more energy. This is the real secret to turning back the aging clock.

Your body has the potential and the power, to slow down the aging process and restore itself to a level of wellness that it may no longer be experiencing. Superior health. the kind that pays off long-term, involves maintaining healthy body weight throughout life, eating a healthy diet, and having sufficient physical activity in our lives.

The information here, when implemented as suggested, will be life changing and you will enjoy greater health like never before.

“Reclaim Your Longevity” can help you do just that…

For more tools and resources from Carolyn Hansen to assist you in attaining your health and fitness goals and achieving the success you desire in life, please visit:

Carolyn Hansen Fitness

Mighty Muscle Magic…

The biological role of skeletal muscles goes far beyond locomotion and, it’s becoming crystal clear that the benefits derived from our muscular system are essential to our health.

The muscular system, our largest energy facility, is responsible for keeping our metabolic system intact. It protects us against metabolic and hormonal decline, obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

Muscle strength not only makes every task and activity easier to perform, but the amount of toned muscle also relates to control of body weight, bone health, cellular rejuvenation and a reduced risk of certain diseases.

As an aging adult, few things impact the quality of life as much as seeing your functional strength decrease. Lose enough strength, and you’ll no longer be able to perform even the basic functions of daily living and this in turn dramatically effects how you feel about yourself and your level of happiness.

What causes muscle downgrade?

Hormonal disorders such as insulin resistance, inflammatory disease, dietary abuse, nutritional deficiencies and chemical toxicity all contribute to muscle downgrade, however, the main culprit is not doing enough muscle building and maintenance activity. In other words…living a sedentary lifestyle.

One of the most powerful and important things you can do to reverse muscle and bone loss is strength training. It is the perfect anecdote and the only type of exercise that stimulates the release of HGH. Human Growth Hormone helps your body build more youthful muscle tissue.

The body is a very efficient machine. If your muscles are not being stimulated, you are basically sending the message to your body that you no longer need lean muscle mass. Since muscle mass is an energy costly substance to maintain, if your body doesn’t need it, it wants to get rid of it.

Strength training however, sends the message to your body loud and clear that it still needs to be strong and needs this muscle to complete your daily strength training exercises.

If you are currently trying to shed fat, the more muscle you have, the easier it is to lose because your resting metabolic rate is fast and working for you. And, let’s not forget about what strong healthy muscles do to build strength in our joints and bones as well. Osteoporosis is a serious condition that sadly impacts far too many older adults. Without actively strengthening their muscles, their bones get weak and brittle and all it takes is one small misstep to happen that breaks a bone.

Maintaining your lean muscle mass is mandatory if you want to live a long productive life. As a bonus, you’ll get a boost to your self-esteem and self-confidence. You’ll feel better about the way you look as you maintain that fit appearance.

Your body was made to move. Keeping your body in shape not only makes you feel younger and stronger, but also might just save your life. Remember, it’s never too late to start. You are better off doing something now than just letting your health continue to decline due to the process of aging.

If you truly want to stop the aging process, you need to put an exchange your sedentary lifestyle for one that promotes muscle strength.

Strength training is key.

If you can only do one type of exercise variation, resistance training should be your number one choice. It is the one exercise that will make all your muscles stronger, boost your immune system and is empowered to restore your manhood.

Everything you need to know to slow down and even reverse the aging clock can be found in my anti-aging library of help: “Reclaim Your Longevity.”

Are You Really Hungry?

Being overweight is an open door to so many diseases that shorten our lifespans and steal away our precious moments. Managing and maintaining healthy body weight is mandatory for living a long, productive life.

If you are struggling to lose weight, you’re not alone. Obesity and overweight conditions have ballooned out of control.

One of the primary reasons why the average person continues to becomes fatter with each passing year – becoming anything from mildly overweight to obese – is that their appetite control system hormones have become out of balance.

The appetite control system is a maze of complex chemical interchanges and interactions between your brain, nervous system, and metabolic hormones that all work together to tell you whether or not you need food. Your internal biological processes communicate whether you are currently hungry or full.

Experiencing hunger is both a mental and physical challenge and you’ll need cast iron strategies for both if you want to experience long-term success with any weight-loss.


Two Primary Types of Hunger:

Normal hunger –

When the stomach has been empty for several hours, normal hunger kicks in, starting slow and intensifying until food is taken. Any time you have exhausted your easily accessible energy stores (such as after a workout session) you will experience this type of hunger. It is your body’s way of signaling its need for nutrients and energy to be replaced. You feel immediate relief after eating.

Hormone Driven Hunger –

This type of hunger does not come on slowly like normal hunger does but comes on suddenly and most times has nothing at all to do with meal time. If you’ve ever found yourself “attacked” and compelled to eat a chocolate bar even though you are not experiencing physical hunger pangs (and, you’re trying to stick to a diet), you can be sure it is hormonal driven hunger you are responding to. It causes a gnawing intense hunger and often strikes right after a meal causing wild irrational cravings for specific foods – especially those high in sugar or carbohydrates.

This type of hunger can be merciless in its demands overwhelming the most determined dieter. It leaves in its wake mood swings, anxiety and stress as well as zapping energy levels. Emotional eating is a term often associated with this type of hunger because it is linked to human emotions but science is revealing that it may not be down to human emotions at all but simply an interplay of various “out of balance” hormones in the body.

Hormones all play off each other and are triggered by and become unbalanced by catalysts such as the types of foods we eat or do not eat and when we eat those foods. Destructive habits such as consuming too much sugar or eating too many of the wrong kinds of foods can set off a cascading hormonal imbalance that could last for hours and possible even days leaving you at the mercy of whims that cause you to continue to overeat and binge (fake foods make us feel hungry all the time and also make us malnourished). A very damaging cycle to your system.

Unfortunately, modern day diets are filled with highly refined and processed foods that are laden with chemical additive and toxins. These foods not only fail to provide us high quality nutrients that nourish and sustain our bodies, they actually cause harm by throwing our appetite control mechanism out of balance causing us to lose touch with our natural hunger signals.

Hunger Hormones

The number one hormone that needs to be kept in check is insulin. This hormone relays to your fat cells that they need to mop up excess glucose (blood sugar) in the blood and convert it to fat for storage as future energy.  When insulin levels remain relatively stable as occurs in a natural unprocessed diet that suppresses the occurrence of highly fluctuating levels of blood glucose, the other hormones tend also to be properly regulated and no “out of balance” hormonal profile develops.

Ghrelin is another hunger hormone that needs to be controlled and normalized in order to have a sense of real hunger (so that we are not responding to false signals and eating more than we need to). In fact, much of the blame you have placed on yourself in the past for not having more control over your appetite and eating habits may well have been due in large part to allowing ghrelin to build to uncontrollable levels.

With so many chemicals lodged into the tissues of our body and our diets filled with “dead” foods offering no nutritional value, it’s no wonder that our hormones are confused and messed up causing so many people to struggle with permanent weight loss these days.

We need to fill our diets lean proteins, grass fed meats, free range poultry and eggs, ocean fish, vegetables and fruits and whole grains. We need to eliminate sugars, unhealthy fats, preservatives, artificial colors and flavors, chemicals and unhealthy food preparation as well as heavily processed and other “junk” type foods.

If you are trying to take weight off, adopting a conservative calorie reduction program (including the foods listed above) and embracing a slow steady weight loss effort is the way to get your hunger hormones working with you to achieve lasting success.

When you have these fundamentals firmly in place in your life at least 80 percent of the time you will not have an excess body fat problem. It will be long gone! Your health will improve as well as the quality and longevity of life. 

All my products address a whole body approach that supports both the body and the mind. If you are serious about achieving a truly healthy lifestyle, one of youth and vitality – “Reclaim Your Longevity was created for you.

It will absolutely help you in every area of your life to stay as young, healthy and vibrant as possible, squeezing every ounce of life out of every minute of your life!

Nutrition counts – 4 Anti-Aging Secrets

There are certain issues related to nutrition that when present accelerate the aging process. Learn what these are will help you to avoid them.

Lack of Anti-oxidants

If there’s one thing that your diet needs in order to combat the aging process it’s – plenty of antioxidants.

So, what exactly are antioxidants and why are they important?

Every day we encounter a number of toxic substances either in the air we are breathing or because of the unhealthy and unnatural substances we eat. As these stressors take place, they slowly but surely break the body down and antioxidants are the warriors that help to defy this process.

Antioxidants serve to neutralize free radicals that would otherwise lead to oxidative damage thus helping to improve your health significantly. They help combat disease such as heart disease and cancer, keep our skin, hair and nails looking their best and have us feeling more energized and healthy on a day to day basis.

Where can we get these antioxidants?

The best way to ensure you are getting the antioxidants your body needs is through a steady intake of fresh fruits and vegetables. The more nutrient dense the foods are that you eat, the higher your antioxidant intake will be. Other foods such as nuts and some oils also contain antioxidants but they don’t offer the level of antioxidants that you get from fresh produce.

Anti-aging secret #1 –

Consume as many organic fresh fruits and vegetables as possible. You cannot eat too many of these wonderful foods.

Over consumption of Sugar –

If you intend on stopping the hands of time, you need to reduce your intake of sugar. Although most people are better about not eating table sugar, sugar hides everywhere and excess sugar still finds a way into their diet. Today’s foods are loaded with this sweet tempting substance and taste buds are now so desensitized to the natural taste of food that we sugar to feel satisfied. The problem is, we don’t realize how much sugar is going in until we are struck down with diabetes or we have packed on a whopping 10-20 extra pounds.

In order to avoid taking in too much sugar you must learn to read labels.

So, why is sugar so bad?

Sugar accelerates the aging process by placing great stress and strain on your body. When you take in sugar your blood glucose levels spike. As a result, your body releases a huge hit of insulin from your pancreas. This insulin goes in and sucks the excess glucose up out of the blood stream helping to bring your blood glucose levels back down.

Where does this glucose go?

Straight to your body fat cells most times. Short of finishing an intense workout program (in which case, they’ll be shuttle towards your muscle cells) that excess sugar goes to your body fat stores. This excess body fat now puts you are high risk for a number of age related diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and stroke.

Since sugar contains no nutrients, you won’t be getting any antioxidants. Filling your diet up with sugar causes you to miss out on the nutrition that would otherwise keep you as healthy as possible.

You’re only allowed so many calories daily so make sure those calories count!

Anti-aging secret #2 –

Eliminate as many added sugars from your diet as possible.

High Intake of Trans-Fats – 

Man-made fats are designed to increase the shelf-life of the food products you consume.  Manufacturers do this to add texture and taste to the foods you are consuming. For many consumers, trans-fats can be very addicting and hard to stop eating. Foods like cakes, cookies, pastries, frozen foods, deep fried food and other heavily processed foods that are rick in dietary fat.

Look to fill your diet up with an abundance of fats that contain an abundance of healthy vitamins and minerals and work to prevent disease. Olive oil, avocado oil, macadamia nut oil, avocados, fatty varieties of fresh fish, flax-seed, nuts and nut butter as well as coconut oil based products are all good choices.

Anti-aging secret #3

Avoid trans fats at all costs, instead replace them with unsaturated fats, omega fats and medium chain triglycerides.

Insufficient Quality Protein Intake – 

If you have insufficient intake of quality protein you are accelerating the aging process because protein is the major player when it comes to tissue repair and rebuilding and essential for keeping your body functioning at it s best. Without the proper amount of quality protein in your diet, your body won’t have the necessary raw materials it needs to generate new cells and hormones necessary to keep all systems in your body functioning properly and for generating lean muscle mass that keeps you active and able to excite physically as you should.

For best results, focus on getting at least 1 grams of protein per pound of body weight daily. The best forms of protein are chicken breast, turkey breast , lean red met (in moderation), fish, and seafood, low-fat dairy products as well as whey or nondairy protein powder.

Anti-aging secret #4 –

Focus on getting sufficient quality protein into your day, aim for at least 1 gram per pound of body weight and choose lean sources of both animal and non-animal based protein daily.

When you put the right fuel, raw materials and nutrients into your body, it goes a long way towards ensuring that you are looking and feeling your best.

As you consciously, with effort, develop these positive habits, you strengthen your inner resources, reinforcing all healthy habits and propelling yourself towards real health, real growth and real success.

Everything you need to know to slow down and even reverse the aging clock can be found in my anti-aging library of help: “Reclaim Your Longevity.”

Quality Sleep Adds Years to Your Life and Life to Your Years

Sleep is one of the most critical factors driving good health, and if you aren’t sleeping as well as you should be, every area of your life will be impacted in a negative way.

For beginners, nothing ages you faster than a lack of quality sleep. In fact, quality sleep could easily be considered the fountain of youth.

Lack of Sleep Impacts:

Your skin –

Not enough quality sleep a few nights in a row and your complexion begins to look lackluster and you’ll likely have some bags around your eyes.

Your metabolic rate –

Just one night of insufficient sleep can slow down your metabolism, making fat loss much more challenging.

Your disease risk factor –

Those who suffer with sleep quality deprivation will not have strong immune systems and the risk for heart disease, diabetes and stroke increase. Without the strong defenses needed to fend off invading bacteria and viruses, they will likely fall ill more often. Furthermore, the immune system plays a vital role in keeping oxidative damage down. If its weakened, oxidation takes place, causing you to age far more quickly than you otherwise would.

Your mental state –

Sleep deficiency alters activity in parts of the brain. When you are tired and your body suffers with lack of quality sleep your brains’ ability to keep the nervous system clear is impaired. You may have trouble making decisions, controlling emotions and behavior, solving problems, and coping with change. Lack of quality sleep has also has been linked to risk-taking behavior, depression and even suicide.

A weakened and tired mental state also directly influences your ability to stick with your diet and workout protocol.

Your motivation –

Feeling fatigued from lack of sleep is the quickest way to crush any desire to get your workout in for the day ahead or tackle any new activity you had planned.

Your insulin sensitivity –

Too little sleep means your body is more likely to store carbohydrates as body fat rather than burning then up for energy or devoting them towards building lean muscle mass tissue.

Your appetite –

If your brain is lacking energy from not getting enough sleep, it often turns to food for that energy. Truth is, poor sleep messes with your hormones. It increases the production of ghrelin (your hunger hormone). Too much ghrelin causes your body to crave fatty and sugary foods, not a good state to put your body in. Poor sleep also messes with leptin your satiety hormone. Bottom line is: when you lack sleep, you tend to eat more of what you are craving because your hunger hormones are messed up and you’re not feeling the signals to stop eating.

When you are consciously asleep, your body is working overtime in repair mode fixing all the damage that took place in your body throughout the course of the day.

Sleep is when your body goes to work repairing and replacing. Without enough time devoted to sleep, your body won’t be able to repair itself or recover as quickly from your daily activities or workouts and any further progress is you would otherwise experience will be compromised.

Remember, it’s not just sleep you need, but quality sleep you’re after. You always know when you’ve gotten a quality night’s sleep because when you wake you feel good and ready to tackle the day.

Truth is, you can take control of the aging process and add years of good health and quality living to your lifespan by paying attention to a few critical players beginning with quality sleep.

Sleep quality is a good place to start because it directly influences your energy level.  As your energy level increases, your physical performance increases. This in turn increases your weight loss results which in turn boosts your appearance making you feel much happier overall.

Bottom line is this: the way you feel while you’re awake depends in large part on what happens while you’re sleeping. 

All my products support a whole body approach that supports both the body and the mind. If you are serious about achieving a truly healthy lifestyle, one of youth and vitality – “Reclaim Your Longevity was created for you.

It will absolutely help you in every area of your life to stay as young, healthy and vibrant as possible.

Lifestyle Based Anti-Aging…


As we evolve, we progressively obtain new answers to age-old questions and much of this new knowledge is positive and exciting – 

Studies Prove –

Over 30 years of research reveals that the more you change your lifestyle (particularly in areas of physical activity and nutrition) the more your health improves because you turn off the bad genes that lead you down the path of poor health and turn on the good genes that protect you by turning on self-healing processes that promote longevity and stellar health.

Adopt the right lifestyle changes and you can alter how you age by lengthening rather than shortening the telomeres located on the ends of DNA thereby slowing or even reversing the aging process from within.

The result is super-health or super-wellness at the cellular level as old worn out cells and tissues get replaced with new younger, healthier, stronger ones, turning back the biological clock in your body, muscles and brain.


Super Wellness

Super-wellness is proactive. It’s about building a strong disease resistant body and finding and eliminating the cause of disease – not just managing the symptoms. It’s about staying well when you are healthy, and extending middle age into the far reaches of old age. It’s about increasing the healthy span of aging, and avoiding the worst aspects of old age until the last minute.

There are two strategies that are gaining popularity as new lifestyle-based anti-aging plans that literally change what goes on with the DNA that is involved in disease and the aging process. Not surprisingly, those two strategies are exercise and healthy eating. Lucky for us, both these things are well within our personal control.


The Goals of any Anti-aging Lifestyle are, (at any age):

Robust healing and cell renewal – activating the self-healing processes

Healthier – beyond simply “not being sick”

Strength and high energy – regardless of age

Hampering/slowing/reversing the aging process

Improving body composition – muscle to fat ratio

Achieving a health span that equals life span

To be free of and not at risk of disease and to experience wellness through every decade of life. That’s what anti-aging is about. By choosing to be proactive and responsible, you develop a strong sense of personal identity and empowerment for your own health.

The reality is, a decent old age is something that only we are empowered to deliver to ourselves. By adopting an anti-aging diet and lifestyle that includes challenging exercise, you’ll have a real chance of adding decades of additional happy and healthy living to your lifespan.

Those who succeed with anti-aging practices are those who believe in the values of independence, productivity and self-care in later life. For them, anti-aging practices become a way of life – a lifestyle driver. Are those values important to you?

As you consciously, with effort, develop these positive habits, you strengthen your inner resources, reinforcing all healthy habits and propelling yourself towards real health, real growth and real success.

You don’t need to age the way your parents and grandparents did. It’s time to set an example of how hot your 60’s and beyond can really be.

Everything you need to know to slow down and even reverse the aging clock can be found in my anti-aging library of help: “Reclaim Your Longevity.”


For more tools and resources from Carolyn Hansen to assist you in attaining your health and fitness goals and achieving the success you desire in life, please visit:

Carolyn Hansen Fitness

Make Your Muscles Stronger and Rekindle Your ManHood

Cancer, heart disease, diabetes and dozens of other physical afflictions are threatening us in ways never seen in the history of humankind.

Unfortunately, this especially applies to the overall health of our men. Compared to women, men are more at risk for big killer diseases like heart disease and cancer and are twice as likely to keel over.

Many men (women also) have fallen victim to the “disuse syndrome” of the modern world.

The result is that precious muscle tissue is being siphoned from the body, taking overall body strength and slowly downgrading health. This loss of muscle tissue causes them to age faster than necessary.

Millions of men worldwide are suffering from the effects of our modern environment and healthy testosterone levels, essential to male health, are declining at alarming rates.

Male “health issues” effected are:

Muscle, bone and joint pain and conditions

Fatigue and depression

Physical weakness

Over fat and under muscled

Swollen prostate problems

Dwindling mental capacity

Low sex-drive

Sperm counts are going down across the globe. It seems that erectile dysfunction has become the accepted norm for middle-aged men.

Bottom line is waistlines are expanding while penises and libidos shrink. Firm has become soft and tight has become loose. Strength, endurance and power are slowly disappearing.

This sad condition barely existed just 15 years ago, yet today feeds billions of dollars into pharmaceutical companies.

Low testosterone is associated with numerous maladies and a decreased quality of life. If you are male, consistently tired, flat and even feel “down in the dumps” a lot then your testosterone levels are likely suffering.

Hormones are nothing to be messing with. They are powerful and determine how fast or slow we age, how strong and fit we are and whether we become overweight or remain slim, or stay well or succumb to disease.

The primary causes of testosterone loss are two-fold.

Not surprisingly, the big one and the one we have the most control over is our level of physical activity.

Being sedentary is a sure-fire way to kiss testosterone, the essential male hormone goodbye.

The other cause is harder for us to control individually…it involves exposure to the many toxins in our environment that have chemical structure that closely resembles estrogen – the female hormone.

These “estrogen impostors” travel through the body and attach themselves to estrogen receptors in your organs, cells and tissues and then send out instructions that start to break down and feminize the body.

Year of damage that these impostors inflict damage and cause your “get up and go” to begin to evaporate, your belly and face become bloated and your once very healthy sex drive begins to fade away. This eventually leads towards more lethargy and disease.

The good news is, even if you have already entered middle age or even older still, it’s never too late to make positive changes. You can regain the strength and muscle mass of younger days, get your hormones humming and watch your excess body fat melt away as your toned muscles appear.

Make Exercise a Priority

Without enough muscle building and maintaining activity a man’s musculature eventually is reduced by up to 50 percent. This eventually puts him in a nursing home – frail, disabled and unable to take care of himself.

If your health account is currently overdrawn, don’t lose hope. You can dig yourself out of health debt. It requires making more deposits than withdrawals over time – the same way the money in your bank account grows.

You must shift your perspective. Exercise must no longer be thought of as a frivolous pastime but as a top priority because it is a form of preventative medicine.

It’s all about taking responsibility. Bodies were designed to be  active, very active and our modern world has conspired to remove that activity, it’s up to us to consciously replace it with intentional exercise if we want to maintain a healthy body.

Diminished muscle strength and mass effects more than our looks.  It is seriously linked to declines in the immune system which opens the door to life-threatening disease not to mention weaker bones, stiffer joints and slumping postures.

Strength training is key.

If you can only do one type of exercise variation, resistance training should be your number one choice. It is the one exercise that will make all your muscles stronger, boost your immune system and is empowered to restore your manhood.

Everything you need to know to slow down and even reverse the aging clock can be found in my anti-aging library of help: “Reclaim Your Longevity.”

Lose that Excess Weight and Add Years to Your Life

Eating poorly and carrying excess weight increases your risk of many serious illnesses and diseases and shortens your lifespan robbing you of many vibrant healthy years. It lowers the quality of your life, physically, mentally and emotionally.

But, diets are not the long-term answer. In fact, it has been proven over and over that 95% of all diets fail. Diets simply entice us with promises of quick, easy weight loss. Because diets in general are so restrictive, all they do is set you up for failure from the start. Many are so low in caloric intake that you won’t have energy to continue with them for more than a few weeks.

It is far better to develop a healthy eating plan – one that you can follow for the rest of your life than to pin your hopes on a short term diet than will never provide long-term results.

Another problem with “diets” is that although they most often produce quick weight loss at the outset, they cause serious issues with your metabolism (your body’s engine) and cause it to slow to a crawl. How in the heck do you plan on burning calories and taking weight off if your “weight-loss engine” is crawling?

You need to understand that when you skip a meal or go on a crash diet your metabolism slows to conserve your energy. Your body will also feel threatened after a few days and then the “brakes go on” because your body is fooled into believing it is starving and must go into survival mode. It fights to conserve your fat stores and the weight loss you experience is likely due to the elimination of water.

The result is you must eat less and less in order to keep losing weight. Not a healthy situation physically or mentally. You’ll eventually become discouraged and give up and fall back into your old eating habits.

In truth, you do not need to sign up for a commercial diet program (designed for temporary use), purchase special foods or dietary supplements. Neither do you need to use diet pills in order to succeed with weight loss. The very best thing you can do for yourself is to start eating healthy right now and continue to do so for the rest of your life.

The journey to weight loss and better health and longevity is not a “one big event.” It is made up of hundreds of small steps, each one contributing something towards your success. Every healthy meal you enjoy or workout you perform is like a deposit into your health account. All these accumulated deposits add up to a healthy balance that continues to grow.

One step at a time…meal by meal and workout by workout is the way to go. Simply begin replacing your not-so-good habits and not-so-good food with better habits and better food.

The reality is, weight-loss has to be a long-term solution for it to work. There is no short-term solution.

One of the first things you need to do when beginning a weight loss journey is to detoxify your body. Toxins can damage your organs, glands and cause increased inflammation in your body. They are also behind many headaches and generally make you feel “unwell.” But the worst thing of all is that they cause weight gain…the exact opposite of what you are trying to achieve.

The formula for dieting success is simple:

Eat plenty of fresh natural whole foods provided by Mother Nature herself. Avoid any processed or refined sugary foods and try to drink plenty of clean water daily – skip the fruit juices and soda.

  • Adopt a proper exercise program that contains mostly strength training exercises in order to increase your “metabolic fitness.”
  • Eat clean. This means you minimize the amount of ingested foods that contain toxins such as preservatives, pesticides (always wash your fresh produce), antibiotics, and heavy metals (such as mercury found in some species of fish).
  • Choose unprocessed organic fruits and veggies along with grass fed organic meats when possible.

Baseline diet fundamentals

You  must find ways to implement these eight factors:

  1. Start the journey strong and continue strong.
  1. Burn more fuel (calories) than you consume.
  1. Eat ‘clean’ at least 80 percent of the time.
  1. Eat 5-7 small meals each day every 2-3 hours.
  1. Make the time to prepare those meals the night before.
  1. Take food with you wherever you go so there is no excuse for not eating the right thing.
  1. Eat quality protein at each of your meals.
  1. Create meals containing 300 – 400 calories.

When you have these fundamentals firmly in place in your life at least 80 percent of the time you will not have an excess body fat problem. It will be long gone! Your health will improve as well as your quality of life. 

All my products address a whole body approach that supports both the body and the mind. If you are serious about achieving a truly healthy lifestyle, one of youth and vitality – “Reclaim Your Longevity” was created for you.

It will absolutely help you in every area of your life to stay as young, healthy and vibrant as possible, squeezing every ounce of life out of every minute of your life!

Stimulate Your Human Growth Hormone Through Strength Training


Just as we’ve discovered the power to solve our personal issues lies right within ourselves through the power of our mind and thoughts which create our world, we are also becoming aware that the best anti-aging regimen begins within the body and consists not only of a diet rich in nutrients but a lifestyle that includes the right kind of exercise.

Strength training is at the top of the list of important things you can do that help to slow the aging process from within.

Let’s face it, it’s literally impossible to look youthful without good muscle tone and strength training is the only activity that can give you back that younger, youthful body and stop the ageing process dead in its tracks.


HGH – Human Growth Hormone


Although any kind of activity is good for you including all recreational activities such as walking, jogging, or cycling only strength training (also known as resistance training) will stimulate the release of human growth hormone (HGH), the hormone that helps your body build youthful muscle tissue and use up excess flabby body fat.

HGH regenerates and repairs your cells. It makes your muscles firm, your skin tighter, bones stronger and joints healthier. It maximizes muscles and minimizes body fat creating a nice hourglass shape for women and a powerful superman-style V-shape for men.

Unfortunately, we do not retain the same levels of HGH throughout our life and as we pass age 25 our HGH levels begin to plummet. By the time we reach our 40’s, HGH dips to just 40 percent of what is was at age 20 and when we reach our mid-fifties, it shrinks to a measly 20 percent of what it was.

Proper strength training holds the key to boosting HGH levels by as much as 300 percent as well as slashing the risk of death from diabetes, disease and cancer.

The problem is, too many people are doing the wrong kinds of exercise, the kind that barely moves the HGH needle.

The answer lies in using incredibly efficient and effective movements that simulate a huge surge in HGH in a very short period of time. It is the bare bones kind of “no fluff” exercise that must be adopted and performed if you really want to turn back the clock.

Strength training uses resistance of some kind to strengthen and condition the muscular system. This is achieved using free weights, resistance machines or even body-weight exercises. The amount of resistance a muscle has to work against is important because it determines how strong it is in the end.

Because it really gets our blood pumping (one of the most valuable anti-aging tools), proper resistance exercise makes us feel alive. Because we feel better and stronger, it enriches our life so that we do and experience more.


Reverse the Damage

Studies suggest that all it takes is six to twelve months of consistent strength building exercise to reverse decades of muscle loss. That means it’s never too late to start and with dedicated, consistent training you won’t have to wait long to see results.

Once you feel and see the effects of proper strength training exercises, you won’t ever look for other quick fix temporary anti-aging methods.

Slowing the aging process, boosting your energy levels, keeping your physical shape in check is not a huge mystery. It is the result of maintaining healthy high levels of HGH, the youth-enhancing hormone.

It’s about balancing the activities of what you love to do with some challenging strength training and muscle toning exercises…never about giving up anything. If you love to jog, don’t eliminate it, just add a few challenging strength training sessions to your weekly schedule.

If you’re searching for the perfect anti-aging formula and disease prevention, exercise, specifically strength training exercise …the kind that triggers HGH, is your fountain-of-youth.

If you are serious about achieving a truly healthy lifestyle, one of youth and vitality, “Reclaim Your Longevity” was created specifically for you. It will absolutely help you in every area of your life to stay as young, healthy and vibrant as possible.

All my products offer a whole body approach –  one that supports both the body and the mind.


Counting Calories Can Be Dangerous to Your Health and Longevity


Understanding what good nutrition means and putting focus on that is imperative to anyone’s dieting success. How you diet now will effect how long you live and how vital you live out those years.

Introducing and adopting dangerous diets now only trims off valuable years of your life later.

Those who adopt a calorie counting approach to dieting, or worse, a diet plan that requires them to eat any number of prepackaged type processed snacks and meals, undermines any effort at weight loss and whatever weight is lost will be short lived.

Focusing on a diet that places your attention primarily on counting calories is not only dangerous to your health, it is a temporary solution not a permanent one.

As soon as you come off this type of restricting “diet,” all the weight you worked so hard to take off is regained simply because you never learned how to “eat” properly in the first place.

Not only will the weight come back easily, but this type of “dieting” deprives the body of important nutrients and opens the door to disease and accelerated aging.

In order to maintain the weight loss you’re working so hard to obtain, it’s your daily eating habits that must shift. After all, counting calories for the rest of your life – every single day is just not practical.

This extreme approach eventually leads to abandoning all weight loss efforts. The whole counting calories idea gets ditched as well as any hopes of permanent weight loss. Defeat has set in.

The reality is, learning healthy eating habits or strategies is what it takes to move your health forward into the future. Not counting calories.

Your goal when dieting is to look and feel more attractive. However, counting calories achieves the opposite effect. You may feel slimmer for a short while, but you won’t necessarily look better.

In the end, adopting this type of diet results in both your health and appearance suffering.


Nutrient Dense Foods are Key

cancerxfightingOn the other hand, when you focus on getting the proper nutrients and choose anti-aging, healthy nutritious foods on a daily basis, your body receives the proper mix of nutrients that work together to control hunger and your calorie intake basically controls itself. 

By eating properly and getting the correct balance of nutrients, you’ll enjoy constant energy levels throughout the day. And, the best thing of all is, your hunger will only kick in when it’s time to eat.

You won’t suffer with energy highs and lows, so you’ll be far more capable of controlling what foods you choose to put into your body rather than reaching for the most convenient item when energy levels plummet.

Proteins and healthy fats along with fiber control hunger while processed simple carbohydrates actually stroke hunger.

Dieting is never good if it damages your health in the end and that’s exactly what counting calories will do.

And, the dangers go beyond that. Focusing intensely on counting calories in complete absence of awareness of the role that good nutrition plays also sets you up for a high risk of developing a dangerous eating disorder as well.

Those with eating disorders have a distorted mindset around food and no longer recognize food as nutritious fuel for the body.

Their distorted view has them seeing something that is going to cause them to gain excess body fat. Anorexics refuse to eat the necessary food they need to sustain life while those with bulimia starve themselves for hours and then binge eat all kinds of unhealthy foods. Both of these roads lead to slow starvation and if not reversed eventually death.

Although these are extreme cases, when you lose sight of the fact that food provides nutrients to your body and you must have them to sustain life you put yourself at risk for these kinds of issues to surface.

Losing touch with the fact that you must eat to stay healthy causes eating to turn over to a complete emotional activity.

Relying too heavily on counting calories and not focusing on eating nutrient dense foods only harms any progress you are trying to make. It damages your metabolism and your health, opens the door to dangerous diseases and speeds up the aging process. Not a part of anyone’s weight loss goals.

The challenges that arise in your senior years can be anticipated and planned for right now. Making smart decisions now about nutrition – those that contribute to your ultimate goal of healthy longevity is key.

All my products address a whole body approach that supports both the body and the mind. If you are serious about achieving a truly healthy lifestyle, one of youth and vitality – “Reclaim Your Longevity” was created for you.

It will absolutely help you in every area of your life to stay as young, healthy and vibrant as possible, squeezing every ounce of life out of every minute of your life!

It’s a good thing!