Understanding the Rate of Perceived Exertion

RPEUnless someone has specifically pointed this out, you may not be unaware of the importance of rating your perceived exertion when you exercise.

This measures the intensity of your exercise and how hard your body is actually working when you exercise. It is used in research studies for that exact purpose and training programs also use it to describe the intensity level of the training sessions.

When you are exercising, it is important that you learn to monitor your intensity level…your degree of effort used in order to make sure you are working at a pace that is challenging enough to help you reach your goals but not so hard that you hurt yourself. [Read more…]

Strong and Powerful Legs are “Fat-burning” Furnaces…

liftModern schedules are demanding these days and getting the most out of every workout put in, in the shortest time possible is of major importance to most people.

One of the best way to increase the effectiveness of every workout you perform while decreasing the time spent is to include the “big muscles” of the lower body…the powerhouse muscles that sport a healthy metabolism.

The vast majority of people are simply not aware of the potential of these “fat-burning” furnaces.  [Read more…]

The Magic’s in the Muscles

fitnessXstrengthXtrainingStrength training addresses both the inner and outer you and is likely the most important exercise component of your anti-aging program. Not to be confused with competitive weight training, power-lifting or bodybuilding, it is also known as resistance training.

Dr. William Evans from Tufts University… Dept. of Agriculture Human Research on Aging says that…”it’s changes in muscle mass that trigger all the other changes. By preserving muscle mass we can prevent these problems from occurring.”

The physical benefits of strength training are nearly endless and touch all functioning systems of the body.

Physically it involves the use of resistance…barbells, dumbbells, and machines as well as other equipment to improve strength and overall body systems…keeping the body vital and healthy. [Read more…]

Active People Reflect Healthy Lives

strength training3Think your muscles are just for looks?

Admittedly, those with finely tuned ones do get their “lion’s share” of attention but strong muscles are healthy muscles and represent much more than “just looks.” They represent life itself and are the key to preventing many age related diseases as well as supporting active lifestyles into later years.

Becoming weak and feeble as one ages is not a result of aging itself but a result of inactivity. Slow controlled loading of your muscles along with adequate resistance can rapidly rebuild your strength and youthful vitality. [Read more…]

The Controls to Aging are on the Inside Not the Outside

aging3Aging is a natural part of the human experience, it is a natural part of the process of life…however getting “old” is something that is within our control.

Getting prematurely old…accelerated aging is avoidable if we are addressing what our bodies need now.

What kind of quality of life do you have when you are older but unable to participate with life anymore? You have no energy or stamina so even normal functions of daily living become difficult. You can no longer climb a flight of stairs by yourself and even rise from a chair without a struggle. Forget about the extracurricular activities like dancing and biking and even taking a nice long walk. At this point, the fun is gone and if you can’t enjoy life anymore and have fun then what’s the purpose of being here? [Read more…]

Healthy Mind…Healthy Body

TagingXprocesshanks to modern science, what used to be considered “science fiction” when it came to looking beautiful has now become aesthetically available to nearly anyone who wants it.

Potions, lotions, wrinkle creams, Botox and even surgery…are all used in the war against aging…some with pretty amazing results. [Read more…]

6 Habits Sure to Age You

fitness1Enjoying good senior health and longevity means paying attention now…it means making the right choices early on and eliminating any bad habits you are practicing now that could effect and threaten your future physical well-being.

How you look and feel when you are older is dependent on how you treat yourself now. It also has everything to do with whether you are speeding up the aging process or slowing it down.

Let’s look at some habits that will definitely age you: [Read more…]

Exercise and Endorphins are a “Happy Team”

ENDORPHINSXANDXHAPPINESS2Working out is no longer just about working out your physical frame and building muscle. Many recent studies are now focused on how exercise boosts brain function regardless of age or level of fitness.

Studies prove that making time for exercise (treating it as a priority) provides some serious mental benefit’s such as an increase and boost in mood and lowered rates of depression. [Read more…]

The Power of Perfect Posture

postureGood muscle tone is the foundation of a more youthful appearance and a firm well-shaped body is simply not possible without it.

However, posture is another factor that plays a huge role in how we look and how well-shaped our body is but it is often overlooked by fitness advisers and seekers alike. [Read more…]

Treat Your New Exercise Program Like a New Journey


If you are finally through with feeling sick and tired and you’re ready to make important lifestyle changes that include incorporate more challenging exercise into your life then the first thing you should do is congratulate yourself for recognizing and responding to the needs of your body.

Without a doubt, you have taken the first step towards a successful lifestyle change…but “desire” is only the first step towards your goal…although a very important one.

Truth is, beginning a new exercise program is not a whole lot different than starting a new journey…in fact it is a journey and like all journeys in life should be handled using a step-by-step approach. [Read more…]