Less Obvious Foods that are Seriously Damaging Your Health…

fatXfreeXfoods2Because of media coverage, access to the computer and a desire to be healthier, many people are becoming smarter and aware of the damage that trans fats, high fructose corn syrup and white flour/sugar do to your body.

But there are less obvious foods that don’t get the attention that these do that can be just as or almost as damaging to your health.

Education is key. You won’t eliminate from your diet foods that are dangerous if you are not aware of what they are and why they are dangerous. [Read more…]

Organic and Natural are NOT the Same…

organicOrganic foods are gaining in popularity and what was once found only in health food stores is now a regular feature in most supermarkets.

The word “organic” denotes the way farmers grow and process agricultural products like veggies, fruits, grains, dairy products and meat. Organic agricultural practices are designed to further soil and water conservation and cut down on pollution.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has established an organic certificate program that requires all organic foods to fit strict government standards. These measures regulate how such foods are raised, handled and processed.

Organic farmers do not utilize conventional techniques to fertilize, contain weeks, or prevent livestock disease. They are not allowed to use synthetic pesticides, bio engineered genes (GMO’S), sewage sludge based fertilizers or petroleum-based fertilizers.  Rather than utilizing chemical weed killers, organic farmers might conduct more advanced crop rotations and spread mulch or manure to keep weeks cornered. When it comes to livestock, organic livestock must be fed organic feed and have access to the outdoors. No antibiotic, growth hormones or animal by products are allowed.

Conventional farmers on the other hand, utilize pesticides to protect their crops from molds, insects and diseases. This spray pesticide leaves residue on produce. People that buy organic want to restrict their exposure to these dangerous residues because organic produce bears significantly fewer pesticide residues than conventionally grown produce.

When a food item holds a Department of Agriculture Organic label, it means it’s produced and processed according to the Department of Agriculture criteria. Products that are 95 percent or more organic can display the organic seal. Although the seal is voluntary, a lot of organic producers utilize it for obvious reasons.

In order to say 100 percent organic, products must be either totally organic or made of all organic components. Products such as fruits, veggies, eggs or other single-ingredient foods are marked 100 percent organic and may also carry the Department of Agriculture seal.

If a food label says “made with organic ingredients” it’s only 70 percent organic ingredients that were used. Foods with less than 70 percent organic components cannot utilize the seal or the word “organic” on their product labels although they include the organic items in their ingredient list.

Be aware that organic and natural are not interchangeable terms. “Natural,” “all natural,” “free-range,” or hormone-free” on food labels do not mean organic.

Bottom line is only foods that are raised and processed according to the Department of Agriculture organic criteria may be labeled organic.

Although conventionally grown produce commonly costs less, is this savings worth putting your health at risk? Only you can make that decision. Truth is, the money you save now by eating conventionally grown produce will likely be spent down the road to patch your health from the destruction that those pesticides and chemicals over time have caused.

The equation is fairly simple: To maintain long-term health and prevent diet-related diseases, stick to a healthy balanced diet that is rich in an assortment of nutritious foods and whenever possible buy organic to avoid those damaging pesticides and chemicals.

Be sure and check out the newest addition to my anti-aging library of help…“Reclaim Your Longevity.”

Tips for Burning Body Fat and Building Lean Muscle Mass…

healthy_bodyWithout a doubt it takes determination, focus and patience to achieve your fat loss goals and  fitness goals.

Those that are serious about both body weight management and health improvement know that diet and exercise go hand in hand.

Getting help along the way is an added bonus that also helps us to stick to our plans and work through those tough moments when we’re feeling “out of sorts” and fall off our diet plan or just can’t get motivated to exercise. [Read more…]

Anti-aging Superstar Foods…

healthyXfoodsIf you are on a quest to extend your longevity you already understand the importance of “what’s on your plate.”

The ideal diet is one that is varied and supports a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables across the board.

However there are certain super-foods within these groups that shine like the “morning star” in our quest for the “fountain of youth” because they offer such powerful anti aging properties. They should be included in our diets as much as possible.

[Read more…]

“Happiness is the Highest Form of Health”


“Remember, happiness doesn’t depend upon who you are or what you have, it depends solely upon what you think.”
                          Dale Carnegie

Studies have proven that there is a definite connection between happiness and health. For the most part, people who are happier experience better overall health. [Read more…]

Grow Younger from the Inside Out…

chfitness_healthThere are two primary anti-aging strategies that must be part of your everyday lifestyle if you hope to slow the “aging clock.”

Proper challenging exercise is number 1. However, exercise alone won’t get the job done. You need to pair exercise with proper diet.

Let’s get real. Everything you eat becomes the building blocks of your body. Our internal health and external appearance are a reflection of the foods we put into our bodies. [Read more…]

Awesome Avocados

avocados2Looking for a nutrient dense food that is high in fiber and provides you a smorgasbord of important nutrients like folate, vitamin E, vitamin B6, vitamin B5, vitamins C and K, magnesium, potassium, lutein, folate, carotenoids, iron and chlorophyll among others?

Avocados are your answer.

This flavorful buttery smooth to the palate fruit provides some surprising but powerful health benefits and is considered a “super-food.” [Read more…]

Healthy No-bake Raw Desserts…Yummy Apple Balls

appleXballsEating fresh raw foods is finally becoming a mainstream diet. As more and more people wake up to the fact that their bodies, minds and habits are all part of the same scene that is out-picturing in their lives and that in order to display perfect health and vitality each one needs to be balanced and healthy.

Switching to eating fresh raw foods during our regular meals such as breakfast, lunch or dinner is a challenge but is there a way to eat fresh when we’re in the mood for a sweet snack or when enjoying dessert?

Must we always feel guilt after participating in these sense enhancing activities? Is it really that bad to enjoy something “sweet?” [Read more…]

Healthy Mind…Healthy Body

TagingXprocesshanks to modern science, what used to be considered “science fiction” when it came to looking beautiful has now become aesthetically available to nearly anyone who wants it.

Potions, lotions, wrinkle creams, Botox and even surgery…are all used in the war against aging…some with pretty amazing results. [Read more…]

6 Habits Sure to Age You

fitness1Enjoying good senior health and longevity means paying attention now…it means making the right choices early on and eliminating any bad habits you are practicing now that could effect and threaten your future physical well-being.

How you look and feel when you are older is dependent on how you treat yourself now. It also has everything to do with whether you are speeding up the aging process or slowing it down.

Let’s look at some habits that will definitely age you: [Read more…]