Your Genes Do Not Determine Your Health and Longevity



Genes have become the “fall guy.” They are the “go to” excuse for disease, disability and eventually death.

Truth is, genes are not the final determining factor of your level of health and longevity.

It is imperative to understand that it is normal for the body to be healthy and well.

Research and ongoing studies continue to reveal that genes are influenced by their environment…and that environment is quite simply…you!



The way you conduct your life on a daily basis in terms of how much exercise you get, what types of food/fuel you feed your body, your sleep patterns, stress levels and other habits actually change the environment of your genes and that in turn changes what they do.

Which ones are switched on and which ones are switched off is totally influenced by you and the environment inside your body.

For example, certain genes can actually make you prone to inflammation which damages cells, tissues and organs and hastens the aging process which is the gradual deterioration and degeneration of function at the cellular and organ level and oxidation which is a process akin to “rusting” of the body.

It really does not matter much what your current health condition is at the moment. The only thing that matters is that you do have the power to build a strong, healthy body that provides optimal disease protection by adopting healthy lifestyle habits. This empowers you to give your DNA a makeover, a second chance of sorts. You begin to shift your life away from disease rather than attracting it.



The keyword here is “you.” You must stop looking outside of yourself for solutions to issues that can only be permanently solved within…your mindset, your beliefs, your perceptions and your actions. Health-care is really only “self-care.” Only you can build that powerhouse body…one that is strong, fit and lean. A vibrant, healthy body with optimal disease protection.

Don’t wait for disease to set in…be proactive and take actions steps to improve your health every day; take time to exercise and feed your body the right fuel so that your immune system is working at peak performance. The focus needs to be you…not anything outside of you.

You can reshuffle your genetic deck in your favor with healthy behaviors and reduce the likelihood of a bad outcome reducing your disease risk by a whopping 80 percent. You are the empowered one…not the doctor, nor the supplement. Neither can come close to offering you such powerful results.

You do have the ability to be disease proof and add years of quality living to your lifespan, but you must embrace and learn certain skills. However once you learn those skills you have them for life.

Take back control and quit giving your power away to “shiny objects” outside of yourself that are temporary “Band-Aids” at best and give yourself the gift of life instead. It’s time to commit to making the proper changes needed to fully protect yourself from preventable “lifestyle” diseases and reap the benefits of health and longevity.

The combination of extended years and more life in those years is truly the best gift you can give yourself.

It really is the “gift that keeps on giving.”

No one will ever care as much as you do about your own health, vitality and well-being. Remember, it is far easier to keep good health than try and recover it after it is lost. Make this your motto and remind yourself of this fact every day.

Focus on living up to your full potential to optimize your health and wellness regardless of age…rather than trying to run from inevitable disease.

Now is the time to take command of your life to avoid disease somewhere down the road.

“Reclaim Your Longevity” can help you do just that…

For more tools and resources from Carolyn Hansen to assist you in attaining your health and fitness goals and achieving the success you desire in life, please visit:

Carolyn Hansen Fitness

Isn’t it time to throw away all the false statements you’ve accepted about dieting and exercise and learn what it really takes to stay healthy and fit long into your senior years?

Mighty Mitochondria

mitochondriaThe body needs both spiritual and physical energy to function every day. Spiritual energy is provided by the “life force energy” that resides, flows and surrounds us inside and out.

This energy is transformed into physical energy within the cells of our bodies where mitochondria – small energy factories live and operate. This process for creating energy is known as “cellular respiration.”

[Read more…]

Cash in On Your “Youth Hormones”

fountainofyouthUSE IT OR LOSE IT

Are you still searching for that “magic potion” or “pill” that will help to restore your youth and vitality?

Truth be known, many people want to slow down the aging process and preserve youthfulness but they look everywhere but inside themselves for the answers. [Read more…]

Your “Gene-ie” Within…

Genes have become the “fall guy.” They are the “go to” excuse for disease, disability and eventually death.

Truth is, genes do not determine your level of health and longevity. It is imperative to understand that it is normal to be healthy and well. Research and ongoing studies continue to reveal that genes are influenced by their environment…and that environment is quite simply…you!


Lifestyles Matter! 


The way you conduct your life on a daily basis in terms of how much exercise you get, what types of food/fuel you feed your body, your sleep patterns, stress levels and other habits actually change the environment of your genes and that in turn changes what they do. [Read more…]

Yoga for Body and Mind Health

Yoga infographics set with person in lotus pose wellness and body treatment symbols vector illustration

Eating the right foods and working your muscles like they were created to be used is paramount to anyone whose objective is to live a long healthy, vibrant life.

However, the job doesn’t stop there nor does it start there.

Just as a coin is “two sided”…you are also “two sided”…you have inner mind that must be kept healthy just as you have your outer physical body that must be kept healthy. They work as a team. If one is in chaos, the other one won’t be working at peak performance.

Without a doubt, addressing your muscles needs and your diet goes a long way to fulfilling the needs of your outer physical body, but, if you don’t address your “inner” mind’s needs at the same time, you are facing an uphill battle because you’ll be fighting off your inner demons that are directly responsible for the “stressors” in your life. [Read more…]

Less Obvious Foods that are Seriously Damaging Your Health…

fatXfreeXfoods2Because of media coverage, access to the computer and a desire to be healthier, many people are becoming smarter and aware of the damage that trans fats, high fructose corn syrup and white flour/sugar do to your body.

But there are less obvious foods that don’t get the attention that these do that can be just as or almost as damaging to your health.

Education is key. You won’t eliminate from your diet foods that are dangerous if you are not aware of what they are and why they are dangerous. [Read more…]

Organic and Natural are NOT the Same…

organicOrganic foods are gaining in popularity and what was once found only in health food stores is now a regular feature in most supermarkets.

The word “organic” denotes the way farmers grow and process agricultural products like veggies, fruits, grains, dairy products and meat. Organic agricultural practices are designed to further soil and water conservation and cut down on pollution.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has established an organic certificate program that requires all organic foods to fit strict government standards. These measures regulate how such foods are raised, handled and processed.

Organic farmers do not utilize conventional techniques to fertilize, contain weeks, or prevent livestock disease. They are not allowed to use synthetic pesticides, bio engineered genes (GMO’S), sewage sludge based fertilizers or petroleum-based fertilizers.  Rather than utilizing chemical weed killers, organic farmers might conduct more advanced crop rotations and spread mulch or manure to keep weeks cornered. When it comes to livestock, organic livestock must be fed organic feed and have access to the outdoors. No antibiotic, growth hormones or animal by products are allowed.

Conventional farmers on the other hand, utilize pesticides to protect their crops from molds, insects and diseases. This spray pesticide leaves residue on produce. People that buy organic want to restrict their exposure to these dangerous residues because organic produce bears significantly fewer pesticide residues than conventionally grown produce.

When a food item holds a Department of Agriculture Organic label, it means it’s produced and processed according to the Department of Agriculture criteria. Products that are 95 percent or more organic can display the organic seal. Although the seal is voluntary, a lot of organic producers utilize it for obvious reasons.

In order to say 100 percent organic, products must be either totally organic or made of all organic components. Products such as fruits, veggies, eggs or other single-ingredient foods are marked 100 percent organic and may also carry the Department of Agriculture seal.

If a food label says “made with organic ingredients” it’s only 70 percent organic ingredients that were used. Foods with less than 70 percent organic components cannot utilize the seal or the word “organic” on their product labels although they include the organic items in their ingredient list.

Be aware that organic and natural are not interchangeable terms. “Natural,” “all natural,” “free-range,” or hormone-free” on food labels do not mean organic.

Bottom line is only foods that are raised and processed according to the Department of Agriculture organic criteria may be labeled organic.

Although conventionally grown produce commonly costs less, is this savings worth putting your health at risk? Only you can make that decision. Truth is, the money you save now by eating conventionally grown produce will likely be spent down the road to patch your health from the destruction that those pesticides and chemicals over time have caused.

The equation is fairly simple: To maintain long-term health and prevent diet-related diseases, stick to a healthy balanced diet that is rich in an assortment of nutritious foods and whenever possible buy organic to avoid those damaging pesticides and chemicals.

Be sure and check out the newest addition to my anti-aging library of help…“Reclaim Your Longevity.”

Tips to Avoid Injuries When Strength Training…

chfitnessXhealthWithout a doubt, strength training is the key to staying fit and healthy long into your senior years.

However, like anything else, there are challenges you face when beginning a new strength training program.

When you work muscles that have not been worked for a while it is normal to feel dull aches and or soreness in these muscles. This pain is caused by the micro-trauma of muscle fibers from the connective tissues in the body.

This is absolutely normal and healthy. In fact the term “no pain, no gain” is appropriate but even better is “no strain, no gain.” [Read more…]

Tips for Burning Body Fat and Building Lean Muscle Mass…

healthy_bodyWithout a doubt it takes determination, focus and patience to achieve your fat loss goals and  fitness goals.

Those that are serious about both body weight management and health improvement know that diet and exercise go hand in hand.

Getting help along the way is an added bonus that also helps us to stick to our plans and work through those tough moments when we’re feeling “out of sorts” and fall off our diet plan or just can’t get motivated to exercise. [Read more…]

Strength Training Strengthens You Inwardly and Outwardly…

chfitness4High intensity, short duration workouts where are you working hard and focused the whole time are the ideal workout. In fact, if you are spending two hours at the gym in one session you need to examine why.

It’s true, cardio activity has its place. It’s great for overall body fitness but not the best way to actually lose weight, build muscle or increase bone density. [Read more…]