Make Your Muscles Stronger and Rekindle Your ManHood

Cancer, heart disease, diabetes and dozens of other physical afflictions are threatening us in ways never seen in the history of humankind.

Unfortunately, this especially applies to the overall health of our men. Compared to women, men are more at risk for big killer diseases like heart disease and cancer and are twice as likely to keel over.

Many men (women also) have fallen victim to the “disuse syndrome” of the modern world.

The result is that precious muscle tissue is being siphoned from the body, taking overall body strength and slowly downgrading health. This loss of muscle tissue causes them to age faster than necessary.

Millions of men worldwide are suffering from the effects of our modern environment and healthy testosterone levels, essential to male health, are declining at alarming rates.

Male “health issues” effected are:

Muscle, bone and joint pain and conditions

Fatigue and depression

Physical weakness

Over fat and under muscled

Swollen prostate problems

Dwindling mental capacity

Low sex-drive

Sperm counts are going down across the globe. It seems that erectile dysfunction has become the accepted norm for middle-aged men.

Bottom line is waistlines are expanding while penises and libidos shrink. Firm has become soft and tight has become loose. Strength, endurance and power are slowly disappearing.

This sad condition barely existed just 15 years ago, yet today feeds billions of dollars into pharmaceutical companies.

Low testosterone is associated with numerous maladies and a decreased quality of life. If you are male, consistently tired, flat and even feel “down in the dumps” a lot then your testosterone levels are likely suffering.

Hormones are nothing to be messing with. They are powerful and determine how fast or slow we age, how strong and fit we are and whether we become overweight or remain slim, or stay well or succumb to disease.

The primary causes of testosterone loss are two-fold.

Not surprisingly, the big one and the one we have the most control over is our level of physical activity.

Being sedentary is a sure-fire way to kiss testosterone, the essential male hormone goodbye.

The other cause is harder for us to control individually…it involves exposure to the many toxins in our environment that have chemical structure that closely resembles estrogen – the female hormone.

These “estrogen impostors” travel through the body and attach themselves to estrogen receptors in your organs, cells and tissues and then send out instructions that start to break down and feminize the body.

Year of damage that these impostors inflict damage and cause your “get up and go” to begin to evaporate, your belly and face become bloated and your once very healthy sex drive begins to fade away. This eventually leads towards more lethargy and disease.

The good news is, even if you have already entered middle age or even older still, it’s never too late to make positive changes. You can regain the strength and muscle mass of younger days, get your hormones humming and watch your excess body fat melt away as your toned muscles appear.

Make Exercise a Priority

Without enough muscle building and maintaining activity a man’s musculature eventually is reduced by up to 50 percent. This eventually puts him in a nursing home – frail, disabled and unable to take care of himself.

If your health account is currently overdrawn, don’t lose hope. You can dig yourself out of health debt. It requires making more deposits than withdrawals over time – the same way the money in your bank account grows.

You must shift your perspective. Exercise must no longer be thought of as a frivolous pastime but as a top priority because it is a form of preventative medicine.

It’s all about taking responsibility. Bodies were designed to be  active, very active and our modern world has conspired to remove that activity, it’s up to us to consciously replace it with intentional exercise if we want to maintain a healthy body.

Diminished muscle strength and mass effects more than our looks.  It is seriously linked to declines in the immune system which opens the door to life-threatening disease not to mention weaker bones, stiffer joints and slumping postures.

Strength training is key.

If you can only do one type of exercise variation, resistance training should be your number one choice. It is the one exercise that will make all your muscles stronger, boost your immune system and is empowered to restore your manhood.

Everything you need to know to slow down and even reverse the aging clock can be found in my anti-aging library of help: “Reclaim Your Longevity.”

Exercise – Empowers You With Health and Happiness

Happiness is almost a world-wide obsession these days.  The self-help shelves of bookstores and online websites are laden with offerings that promise to help you find or achieve happiness. But can they?

Happiness could be defined as simply “feeling good”. It doesn’t mean life is perfect but rather that our lives generally have a sense of direction, purpose and meaning.

When we have an overall sense of satisfaction and contentment we can say we are happy.

For many though, happiness is hard to obtain. In fact, research is showing evidence of a rising tide of this spirit of unhappiness in most advanced societies. A decline in the number of people who regard themselves as “happy” is being documented and seems to be consistent with the staggering increase in cases of depression in the last decade.

Sadly, there has been a 400 percent increase in anti-depressant drugs prescribed and close to 10 percent of us now take mood-enhancement drugs for this current common problem which was once a rare condition.

One of the downsides of this “loss of happiness” is the need to replace what has been lost with external sources such as alcohol and drugs, food and overeating, relationships or material items.

Some of these things may give temporary relief but do not provide long-term happiness, joy, peacefulness or contentment. Could it be these things are being lost to us as our world becomes more and more sedentary and inactive?


Hormone Reduction

The widespread lack of physical activity in our modern technology driven “easy, comfortable” lives means we experience lowered endorphin levels on an ongoing basis.

Endorphins are nature’s “feel good” hormones and are manufactured in the brain during intense physical activity. Endorphins lift your mood, calm you; relieve stress AND make you happy. They elevate your mood long after the exercise session has stopped, and help to keep us mentally and emotionally stable.

You could call it “meditation in motion”. After an exercise session, you will often find that you have forgotten the day’s irritations and when you regularly shed your daily tensions through movement and physical activity, the resulting stress relief, energy and optimism boost can help you remain calm and clear in everything that you do. It spills over positively into every aspect of your life.

Many people are missing out on this natural “inner” magic because they think they are too busy, don’t have time, are too stressed or that they simply don’t need to bother to take time out to exercise. But when you neglect your health and your body all of your life goals are balancing on a shaky platform making being “happy” so much more elusive.

Happiness is definitely one of the key ingredients to health.

Improving fitness not only positively affects the outside of the body, but affects our “inner sense of well-being” as well. This goes hand in hand with being “fit.”  You often cannot put your finger on it or cannot identify it – you just feel really good…inside.

It is an inner awareness, an inner peace and harmony, a feeling of being whole and complete within oneself and from this radiates happiness – all from the inside out. This then leads on to that state of appreciation, sense of satisfaction and contentment with your lot in life and finally a perception of balance and peace.

We may wonder why our culture does not nurture this and prefers to have us popping pills with harmful side effects. No pills can ever match the feelings that physical movement can give us…and… prescription required.

Somehow; we must once again take pride in being in control of our own life, our health, our body and our well-being and the answer is not in doctors and pills – it is inside of each of us.

This simple exercise solution is easily accessed for just a little time and effort and if you listen to the messages your body is sending you that something is missing it could be saying “I REALLY need exercise?”

We have all heard the saying “happiness comes from within” and the good news is, this solution is available to all of us, is easily accessed for little cost except a little time and effort.

Try it and see for yourself.

The challenges that arise in our senior years can be anticipated and planned for by making smart decisions now – those that contribute to our ultimate goal of healthy longevity.

All my products support a whole body approach that supports both the body and the mind. If you are serious about achieving a truly healthy lifestyle, one of youth and vitality – “Reclaim Your Longevity” was created for you.

It will absolutely help you in every area of your life to stay as young, healthy and vibrant as possible.

Lose that Excess Weight and Add Years to Your Life

Eating poorly and carrying excess weight increases your risk of many serious illnesses and diseases and shortens your lifespan robbing you of many vibrant healthy years. It lowers the quality of your life, physically, mentally and emotionally.

But, diets are not the long-term answer. In fact, it has been proven over and over that 95% of all diets fail. Diets simply entice us with promises of quick, easy weight loss. Because diets in general are so restrictive, all they do is set you up for failure from the start. Many are so low in caloric intake that you won’t have energy to continue with them for more than a few weeks.

It is far better to develop a healthy eating plan – one that you can follow for the rest of your life than to pin your hopes on a short term diet than will never provide long-term results.

Another problem with “diets” is that although they most often produce quick weight loss at the outset, they cause serious issues with your metabolism (your body’s engine) and cause it to slow to a crawl. How in the heck do you plan on burning calories and taking weight off if your “weight-loss engine” is crawling?

You need to understand that when you skip a meal or go on a crash diet your metabolism slows to conserve your energy. Your body will also feel threatened after a few days and then the “brakes go on” because your body is fooled into believing it is starving and must go into survival mode. It fights to conserve your fat stores and the weight loss you experience is likely due to the elimination of water.

The result is you must eat less and less in order to keep losing weight. Not a healthy situation physically or mentally. You’ll eventually become discouraged and give up and fall back into your old eating habits.

In truth, you do not need to sign up for a commercial diet program (designed for temporary use), purchase special foods or dietary supplements. Neither do you need to use diet pills in order to succeed with weight loss. The very best thing you can do for yourself is to start eating healthy right now and continue to do so for the rest of your life.

The journey to weight loss and better health and longevity is not a “one big event.” It is made up of hundreds of small steps, each one contributing something towards your success. Every healthy meal you enjoy or workout you perform is like a deposit into your health account. All these accumulated deposits add up to a healthy balance that continues to grow.

One step at a time…meal by meal and workout by workout is the way to go. Simply begin replacing your not-so-good habits and not-so-good food with better habits and better food.

The reality is, weight-loss has to be a long-term solution for it to work. There is no short-term solution.

One of the first things you need to do when beginning a weight loss journey is to detoxify your body. Toxins can damage your organs, glands and cause increased inflammation in your body. They are also behind many headaches and generally make you feel “unwell.” But the worst thing of all is that they cause weight gain…the exact opposite of what you are trying to achieve.

The formula for dieting success is simple:

Eat plenty of fresh natural whole foods provided by Mother Nature herself. Avoid any processed or refined sugary foods and try to drink plenty of clean water daily – skip the fruit juices and soda.

  • Adopt a proper exercise program that contains mostly strength training exercises in order to increase your “metabolic fitness.”
  • Eat clean. This means you minimize the amount of ingested foods that contain toxins such as preservatives, pesticides (always wash your fresh produce), antibiotics, and heavy metals (such as mercury found in some species of fish).
  • Choose unprocessed organic fruits and veggies along with grass fed organic meats when possible.

Baseline diet fundamentals

You  must find ways to implement these eight factors:

  1. Start the journey strong and continue strong.
  1. Burn more fuel (calories) than you consume.
  1. Eat ‘clean’ at least 80 percent of the time.
  1. Eat 5-7 small meals each day every 2-3 hours.
  1. Make the time to prepare those meals the night before.
  1. Take food with you wherever you go so there is no excuse for not eating the right thing.
  1. Eat quality protein at each of your meals.
  1. Create meals containing 300 – 400 calories.

When you have these fundamentals firmly in place in your life at least 80 percent of the time you will not have an excess body fat problem. It will be long gone! Your health will improve as well as your quality of life. 

All my products address a whole body approach that supports both the body and the mind. If you are serious about achieving a truly healthy lifestyle, one of youth and vitality – “Reclaim Your Longevity” was created for you.

It will absolutely help you in every area of your life to stay as young, healthy and vibrant as possible, squeezing every ounce of life out of every minute of your life!

Is Your Body “Regenerating” or “Degenerating?”



The human body is an amazing “chemical reactor.”

All systems and functions in the body are controlled by chemical reactions that relay messages to every single cell in every tissue, organ and system in the body when to repair, rebuild and renew.

However “growth” chemical reactions require the proper stimulus in order to be triggered into action and the key to triggering them is “movement.”

“Movement is the stimulus that triggers the chemical reactions that send ‘living’ messages of renewal to the cells.”

The human body is tremendously efficient at converting body tissue into life-sustaining energy-so anything not being used weakens, withers and eventually dies. It’s simply the way of nature. What is not used is discarded. The opposite is true when we actually ‘use’ the body as it was intended…actively. We then relay the message chemically that the body is being used and needs constant rebuilding.

Natural activity and movement came naturally for our great-grand parents as simple daily survival demanded intense physical activity. However, we are not our ancestors and rarely is enough physical exercise packed into the typical day to stimulate the body to “live” rather than begin the process of dying and millions of lives are being cut short because of it.

These days, we barely have to move in order to survive. Even food is as close as our cell phones which for most people is never further away than their closest pocket.

It’s not a bad thing, it’s just the way life has evolved. Our lifestyles have shifted because our needs as humans have shifted. Survival in our ancestor’s times was more about physical survival while the “new survival” is mostly mental in nature.



…that does not negate the fact that the physical body still needs those vital “chemical reactions” to occur that catalyze the physical cells to keep “repairing, rebuilding and renewing” themselves.


It’s not about trying to copy what our ancestors did…it’s about adjusting our lives to include the proper amount of challenging movement. Without that message/chemical reaction, the body begins to decay and decompose. Disease and disorder set in.

Because movement is the magic that sends mighty messages about the status of our “will to live” and lack of movement is potion that is literally “killing” us, it’s obvious…we must make “movement” a priority again. Unfortunately, being “busy” throughout the day running around doing errands does not quality.

The first requirement towards releasing those “growth and repair” hormonal chemical reactions is to build muscle and you do this by engaging major muscle groups using a range of movements under adequate load.


Bottom line:

Sitting around and living a sedentary no exercise lifestyle encourages the body to decay while challenging your muscles with the right activity and proper exercise causes “growth and repair” hormones (such as the human growth hormone) to be stimulated and work their magic.”

Without a doubt, movement is the primary key to keeping us strong, healthy, disease free and alive. Without it, our bodies suffer with weak muscles, weak bones and a weak immune system. That’s a high price to pay for sitting still wouldn’t you say?

The truth is, you are either in “regeneration” mode or “degeneration” mode by being actively engaged in movement or sitting sedentary like a duck waiting to be shot. What messages are you sending your body?

Your body has the potential and the power, to slow down the aging process and restore itself to a level of wellness that it may no longer be experiencing. Superior health. the kind that pays off long-term, involves maintaining healthy body weight throughout life, eating a healthy diet, and having sufficient physical activity in our lives.

“Activate The Self Healing Process Within You” is the “instruction manual” for making it happen. It contains “simple Lifestyle Strategies to help resist aging and maintain superior health.” You’ll learn the best techniques for preparing your body to defend itself against disease no matter how insidious the threat.

The information here, when implemented as suggested, will be life changing and you will enjoy greater health like never before.

Self-Accountability – Your Key to Success at All Things


Self-accountability is the cornerstone of success and productivity in every aspect of our lives and that includes our health and fitness.


The standard definition of accountability is:

“An obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one’s actions. The state of being accountable, liable, or answerable.


Although you won’t find any direct reference to it in mainstream diets, or exercise programs, it is the missing link and what is needed for our health/fitness/weight loss goals and desires to be realized.

In simple terms, self-accountability means holding ourselves responsible for our own personal successes and failures. It demands that we dig deep inside ourselves and requires a constant brutal mindful examination of our own values, beliefs and motivations for our actions. Having strong core values makes it easier to plot our course and propel ourselves forward along it. It becomes easier to make tough decisions and easier to focus on things that are important while ignoring those that are not.

Self-accountability also requires us to be mindful of our emotional states. We must never allow ourselves to be driven by fear or guilt. Instead, we must be driven by a high level of self-worth, self-respect and self-love. Those are the things that lead to higher levels of self-care. Fear or guilt will only steal away those positive aspects.


Balance is Key

If you beat yourself up too much, you can drive yourself into unease, anxiety, stress and depression. On the other hand, you’ll drive yourself in the opposite direction towards apathy, lethargy and laziness if you do not hold yourself accountable enough.


Self-love is mandatory. You must respect and care for yourself enough to know that you deserve to live in a healthy, slim, fit, feel-good body that leads a productive life.


Self-accountability is nothing to fear – it empowers us and means we have taken charge of our life.

In the end, the rules are the same for all of us. We are all ultimately accountable for our own successes and failures.

Ready to be your own boss and health coach?

It’s time to reflect deeply on your lifestyle choices and make changes where needed.  Whether you are trying to achieve a healthier weight or just trying to get healthier all-around, you must make the kind of lifestyle changes that you can keep for the rest of your life – permanent ones. Don’t make them too hard to implement or you’ll bury your chances right from the start. Begin small. You’ll be surprised at what you can accomplish through gradual but consistent lifestyle changes.

Use affirmations daily to boost your level of self-esteem and self-love.


A good affirmation to remember is:

“Today is another day to do the things I did not do the day before.”


Every day is a new day with new opportunities. Don’t let your weak moments from yesterday play into how you handle yourself today. That was yesterday…leave it in the past and draw on what you need this moment to experience the kind of personal success with your health and fitness goals that you are seeking.

Feeling accountability towards our spouse, friends, family, boss, co-workers, clients, customers and society in general is to be commended. But none of it matters if you are not accountable to yourself…the only person that really matters – the only person that can really make a difference.

It all begins with you. No one can place health and fitness at the top of your priority list but you. When you own your own health and fitness and you hold yourself accountable, your actions and your life will automatically reflect this.

Everything you need to live a long healthy life…dancing well into your senior years is included in “Reclaim Your Longevity.” This program is geared towards helping you to find the “fountain of youth” and addresses your mind, emotions and actions. Don’t wait another day…make today your day…the day you shift from wanting health to creating it.

Stimulate Your Human Growth Hormone Through Strength Training


Just as we’ve discovered the power to solve our personal issues lies right within ourselves through the power of our mind and thoughts which create our world, we are also becoming aware that the best anti-aging regimen begins within the body and consists not only of a diet rich in nutrients but a lifestyle that includes the right kind of exercise.

Strength training is at the top of the list of important things you can do that help to slow the aging process from within.

Let’s face it, it’s literally impossible to look youthful without good muscle tone and strength training is the only activity that can give you back that younger, youthful body and stop the ageing process dead in its tracks.


HGH – Human Growth Hormone


Although any kind of activity is good for you including all recreational activities such as walking, jogging, or cycling only strength training (also known as resistance training) will stimulate the release of human growth hormone (HGH), the hormone that helps your body build youthful muscle tissue and use up excess flabby body fat.

HGH regenerates and repairs your cells. It makes your muscles firm, your skin tighter, bones stronger and joints healthier. It maximizes muscles and minimizes body fat creating a nice hourglass shape for women and a powerful superman-style V-shape for men.

Unfortunately, we do not retain the same levels of HGH throughout our life and as we pass age 25 our HGH levels begin to plummet. By the time we reach our 40’s, HGH dips to just 40 percent of what is was at age 20 and when we reach our mid-fifties, it shrinks to a measly 20 percent of what it was.

Proper strength training holds the key to boosting HGH levels by as much as 300 percent as well as slashing the risk of death from diabetes, disease and cancer.

The problem is, too many people are doing the wrong kinds of exercise, the kind that barely moves the HGH needle.

The answer lies in using incredibly efficient and effective movements that simulate a huge surge in HGH in a very short period of time. It is the bare bones kind of “no fluff” exercise that must be adopted and performed if you really want to turn back the clock.

Strength training uses resistance of some kind to strengthen and condition the muscular system. This is achieved using free weights, resistance machines or even body-weight exercises. The amount of resistance a muscle has to work against is important because it determines how strong it is in the end.

Because it really gets our blood pumping (one of the most valuable anti-aging tools), proper resistance exercise makes us feel alive. Because we feel better and stronger, it enriches our life so that we do and experience more.


Reverse the Damage

Studies suggest that all it takes is six to twelve months of consistent strength building exercise to reverse decades of muscle loss. That means it’s never too late to start and with dedicated, consistent training you won’t have to wait long to see results.

Once you feel and see the effects of proper strength training exercises, you won’t ever look for other quick fix temporary anti-aging methods.

Slowing the aging process, boosting your energy levels, keeping your physical shape in check is not a huge mystery. It is the result of maintaining healthy high levels of HGH, the youth-enhancing hormone.

It’s about balancing the activities of what you love to do with some challenging strength training and muscle toning exercises…never about giving up anything. If you love to jog, don’t eliminate it, just add a few challenging strength training sessions to your weekly schedule.

If you’re searching for the perfect anti-aging formula and disease prevention, exercise, specifically strength training exercise …the kind that triggers HGH, is your fountain-of-youth.

If you are serious about achieving a truly healthy lifestyle, one of youth and vitality, “Reclaim Your Longevity” was created specifically for you. It will absolutely help you in every area of your life to stay as young, healthy and vibrant as possible.

All my products offer a whole body approach –  one that supports both the body and the mind.


Counting Calories Can Be Dangerous to Your Health and Longevity


Understanding what good nutrition means and putting focus on that is imperative to anyone’s dieting success. How you diet now will effect how long you live and how vital you live out those years.

Introducing and adopting dangerous diets now only trims off valuable years of your life later.

Those who adopt a calorie counting approach to dieting, or worse, a diet plan that requires them to eat any number of prepackaged type processed snacks and meals, undermines any effort at weight loss and whatever weight is lost will be short lived.

Focusing on a diet that places your attention primarily on counting calories is not only dangerous to your health, it is a temporary solution not a permanent one.

As soon as you come off this type of restricting “diet,” all the weight you worked so hard to take off is regained simply because you never learned how to “eat” properly in the first place.

Not only will the weight come back easily, but this type of “dieting” deprives the body of important nutrients and opens the door to disease and accelerated aging.

In order to maintain the weight loss you’re working so hard to obtain, it’s your daily eating habits that must shift. After all, counting calories for the rest of your life – every single day is just not practical.

This extreme approach eventually leads to abandoning all weight loss efforts. The whole counting calories idea gets ditched as well as any hopes of permanent weight loss. Defeat has set in.

The reality is, learning healthy eating habits or strategies is what it takes to move your health forward into the future. Not counting calories.

Your goal when dieting is to look and feel more attractive. However, counting calories achieves the opposite effect. You may feel slimmer for a short while, but you won’t necessarily look better.

In the end, adopting this type of diet results in both your health and appearance suffering.


Nutrient Dense Foods are Key

cancerxfightingOn the other hand, when you focus on getting the proper nutrients and choose anti-aging, healthy nutritious foods on a daily basis, your body receives the proper mix of nutrients that work together to control hunger and your calorie intake basically controls itself. 

By eating properly and getting the correct balance of nutrients, you’ll enjoy constant energy levels throughout the day. And, the best thing of all is, your hunger will only kick in when it’s time to eat.

You won’t suffer with energy highs and lows, so you’ll be far more capable of controlling what foods you choose to put into your body rather than reaching for the most convenient item when energy levels plummet.

Proteins and healthy fats along with fiber control hunger while processed simple carbohydrates actually stroke hunger.

Dieting is never good if it damages your health in the end and that’s exactly what counting calories will do.

And, the dangers go beyond that. Focusing intensely on counting calories in complete absence of awareness of the role that good nutrition plays also sets you up for a high risk of developing a dangerous eating disorder as well.

Those with eating disorders have a distorted mindset around food and no longer recognize food as nutritious fuel for the body.

Their distorted view has them seeing something that is going to cause them to gain excess body fat. Anorexics refuse to eat the necessary food they need to sustain life while those with bulimia starve themselves for hours and then binge eat all kinds of unhealthy foods. Both of these roads lead to slow starvation and if not reversed eventually death.

Although these are extreme cases, when you lose sight of the fact that food provides nutrients to your body and you must have them to sustain life you put yourself at risk for these kinds of issues to surface.

Losing touch with the fact that you must eat to stay healthy causes eating to turn over to a complete emotional activity.

Relying too heavily on counting calories and not focusing on eating nutrient dense foods only harms any progress you are trying to make. It damages your metabolism and your health, opens the door to dangerous diseases and speeds up the aging process. Not a part of anyone’s weight loss goals.

The challenges that arise in your senior years can be anticipated and planned for right now. Making smart decisions now about nutrition – those that contribute to your ultimate goal of healthy longevity is key.

All my products address a whole body approach that supports both the body and the mind. If you are serious about achieving a truly healthy lifestyle, one of youth and vitality – “Reclaim Your Longevity” was created for you.

It will absolutely help you in every area of your life to stay as young, healthy and vibrant as possible, squeezing every ounce of life out of every minute of your life!

It’s a good thing!


Your “Why” is Your Primary Health and Fitness Motivation…


If you are looking for health and fitness motivation, the first thing you need to do is to ask yourself “why.”

This “why” becomes your primary motivating force.

Without motivation, there is no drive and without drive there is no real reason to push on and succeed. This is the primary reason many people who embark on a fitness or nutrition program end up abandoning it long before they get to see and experience the results.

They start down the path to improving their health only to find that suddenly they have too much to do to go to the gym. They are just too tired or busy or whatever!

If this sounds familiar, then it is time to dig down and find your “why.”


Finding Your Why

This “why” bit is the single most important aspect of any fitness or nutrition program yet is it seldom considered and the most neglected of all aspects.

Truth is, motivation is the driving force that will get you out of bed an hour earlier to get to the gym or plan ahead with meal preparation. Its the most powerful way to to avoid devouring that packet of chocolate biscuits.

It is the single crucial element in your approach that will push you past where you have been before or even beyond what you ever thought was possible or that you were capable of.

To find your “why”, you must first ask yourself this question, “WHY am I starting this fitness or nutrition program?” 

What is the reasoning that will help to make it a consistent priority in your life? Is it to lose weight, improve health, sleep better, reduce stress, or set an example for your children?


If your goal was to lose weight, the typical answer will be something like this:

I want to lose weight

I want to be healthier

I want to fit into my old skinny jeans


Now these are all good reasons but they are not yet your “why.” 


At this point, and based on the answers above, ask yourself these questions:

“WHY do I want to lose weight?”

“WHY do I want to be healthier?”

“WHY do I want to fit back into my skinny jeans?”

Digging Deep

When you add “why” in front of the above questions, it forces you to dig deep inside for your true health motivation. 

For example, when you ask yourself why you want to lose weight you might get answers like:

“I’m sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. I want to look better for my husband and be the only one that he is interested in. Or I’m back on the dating scene. I need to look my best.”

Other examples that examine why you might want to get healthier could be: “To reduce the likelihood of your life being cut short by some awful disease. Or because you want to be around to enjoy your grandchildren. You might be trying t eliminate medications and stop worrying about your health. Or, possibly you’re worried about having a heart attack because your blood pressure and cholesterol are high. Or how about, you have a young family and cannot imagine leaving them on their own.”

These are the true “whys.”  They are powerful and emotional reasons for following through with your fitness program or nutrition plan. 

Remembering that you are sick and tired of being overweight or that your health is at risk as your doctor has warned, or that you are in danger of a heart attack is how you create the unstoppable drive to stick to your fitness program and get your butt to the gym.

So if you are trying to decide if it’s time to improve your health – if you have already started a fitness program but you’ve lost your motivation, then it’s time to revisit your “why.”


Doing Your homework:

  1. Ask yourself “why you are doing this”.
  2. Then ask yourself “But WHY am I [insert answer to above question]”.
  3. Repeat as often as needed (even several times a day) until you have found your true drive and motivation.

Create yourself a goal so significant that no amount of effort or challenge will keep you from reaching it. If your WHY is strong enough, you can tolerate any HOW.

You need to make yourself a force to be reckoned with. In order to do that, you first need to get very clear on what you want to make possible for yourself. Do not limit yourself – stretch and challenge yourself – then just do it.

Everything you need to know to slow down and even reverse the aging clock can be found in my anti-aging library of help: “Reclaim Your Longevity.”

True Wealth is Defined by Health


Wealth without health is useless. You need health in order to successfully make use of the any greatness you’ve achieved. That means being mobile physically and sharp mentally long into your senior years.

Let’s face it, it’s hard to travel, discover or explore the world when confined to a wheel chair or bed ridden – no matter how much money you have in the bank. Without mobility, simple pleasures like playing with your grand-kids become a major challenge. Without clarity of mind, you won’t be able to think clearly. You may consider yourself financially rich but you won’t have a wealthy life.

The reality is, without good health everything in life is diminished.

Research by Dr. Dean Ornish and team from the University of California, San Francisco revealed that “a program of healthy eating, exercise and stress reduction can not only reverse some diseases – it may actually slow down the aging process at the genetic level.”

It’s all comes down to lifestyle and daily habits…ones that contribute to health or subtract from it.


Positive Lifestyle Habits for the Body


Adequate sleep – most people have no idea how important a good night’s sleep is to their ongoing health levels. A solid 7-8 hours’ sleep for most people is adequate, but if needed grab a short nap during the day to revive yourself.

Challenging physical activity – lean, strong muscle tissue is the key to keeping hormones balanced and humming effectively, avoiding disease and keeping the skeletal system strong.

Dark leafy vegetables – diet should include generous amounts of these nutrient dense foods along with fresh fruits, healthy fats, quality proteins and whole grains.

Deep breathing and stretching – keeps joints flexible and the body oxygenated.

Water – at least 8 glasses of fresh water as pure as we can get it should be the minimum adding more when working out. Water is what makes all the systems within our bodies work. Dehydration is a silent but damaging killer.

Focus on healthy fats – and elimination of unhealthy ones along with processed sugars and processed and preservative laden foods.

Elimination of damaging habits – smoking is destructive to the body and muddles the mind.

Positive Lifestyle Habits for the Mind


Cognitive training – cognitive skills are key to optimal mental health. Cognitive training in the way of memory, reasoning or speed of processing exercises creates a winning combination. Remember, the brain is a muscle and like any other muscle in the body. It must be used if it is to stay sharp. Incorporate activities that challenge the thinking process. Exercise also comes into play. Those who exercise weekly maintain their cognitive functions better than those who don’t.

Additionally, you can also start a new hobby that will stimulate your thinking process or learn a new language. How about writing your memoir?

Social interaction – We are by nature, social creatures. Maintaining close-knit human bonds also helps to preserve cognitive functions later in life. Take on a part-time job or volunteer someplace. You’ll not only fill your “social requirement” but your heart will feel good too. Maintaining strong family ties is another important factor that contributes positively to our longevity.

The challenges that arise in your senior years can be anticipated and planned for by making smart decisions now – those that contribute to your ultimate goal of healthy longevity.

All my products support a whole body approach that supports both the body and the mind. If you are serious about achieving a truly healthy lifestyle, one of youth and vitality – “Reclaim Your Longevity” was created for you.

It will absolutely help you in every area of your life to stay as young, healthy and vibrant as possible.

Consistency is Key to Health and Fitness Success


As the year progresses, we have an opportunity to reflect and examine any health and fitness goals we set earlier in the year.

Let’s face it, making resolutions and setting goals for the months ahead is admirable and a component to success.

However, making plans and resolutions is the easy part.

Following through and keeping them is the difficult part. After initial good intentions fall by the wayside and the old habits begin kicking back in, the real challenge begins.

Most of us look to a fitness regimen as a major life-altering event that is going to take lots of time and require big changes. We can easily visualize the results we want. But before you know it, we have promised ourselves a trip to the gym at 5.30 am 4 mornings a week.

Nothing like putting a little pressure on ourselves!

Unfortunately, this type of thinking can be really daunting. When we place this sort of pressure on ourselves we simply freeze-up and become powerless to act. What sounded like an exciting idea gets abandoned and trashed before we even start.


Start Small and Be Consistent

There is a resolution that works for everyone that you can keep and get fantastic results from. Does that sound appealing? It’s called “start small and be consistent.” It simply means you’ll be focused on adopting a permanent small change in your lifestyle. Not too daunting right?

Rather than making lots of big, sweeping changes at once, this method makes small tweaks a little at a time.  Rather than saying I am going to the gym 4 times a week starting this week – just make of goal of going once.

After a few weeks or months of achieving that goal, add another session. After those two sessions are firmly embedded in your routine, try for a third session. If that doesn’t fit, just take it back to two sessions. You will still get fantastic results with two weekly sessions especially if you put a little effort into them.

It’s hard to believe the results you’ll achieve with just one session per week for life. It would actually give you far better results than on-off, stop-start attempts like many people seem to do.

It defies logic that these same people do not see something small but consistent yielding fantastic results long term. They do not see this as progress so they keep on with the crash and burn mentality.  

On off, start stop anything in life rarely works.  Consistency, however small, DOES work.

It’s keeping up with your new healthier choices that will get you the results you are looking for. This means increasing your all over body strength, losing that excess body fat that has been hanging around for ages,  lowering your cholesterol, blood pressure or blood sugar, increasing energy and stamina or reducing your risk of disease.

It Takes Patience and Perseverance

This lifestyle change thing is not a new concept. But what may be new to you is how you should approach it so it can work for you.

Lifestyle changes that really work to improve health are small gradual changes.

The results you are experiencing did not happen overnight.  And guess what? It doesn’t end overnight either.

The commitment to take control and be in the driver’s seat is often sparked by a special occasion or event. But you don’t need to wait for these occasions to pop up in order to make small lifestyle changes. They should and can be an ongoing renewable resolution. They should be as gradual as the change in the seasons so any changes you do make are changes you can actually live with.

The goal of improving health and fitness will always be an ongoing journey. Make it one that is an enjoyable journey every step along the way.

If you start by making your “small but consistent” changes, keeping it simple and easy, odds are very good that it will be resolutions and changes you will actually keep.

Small things (done consistently) will have a way bigger impact than big things only done for a few days or weeks. Change your LIFE, not just your week!

If you are serious about achieving a truly healthy lifestyle, one of youth and vitality check out: “Reclaim Your Longevity.” All my products offer a whole body approach –  one that supports both the body and the mind.

It will absolutely help you in every area of your life to stay as young, healthy and vibrant as possible.