Own Your Health and Fitness with Priority Status


The priorities we place on everyday tasks and activities and the values we associate with each one of them is determined by the programs running in our minds…our “mind software.”

For better or worse, truth is, our deep-seated food and exercise related values and priorities effectively run our lives.

Engaging in regular, proper exercise (strength training), and enjoying quality live foods (non-processed) are two behaviors that are vital to losing weight, keeping it off and maintaining and enjoying better health for years to come.



With this in mind, the first thing we must address if we want to shift our lives towards stellar health and fitness is to examine how much value and priority we have placed on these two important behaviors.

If our bodies become overweight or unhealthy the likely cause is that we have not placed enough value on lifestyle behaviors (our eating and exercise habits) that would otherwise keep us fit and healthy and these low priorities reflect in our actions or lack thereof.


Truth is, if you hope to live a long productive life and dance into your nineties you are going to have to place high priorities and high values on what you eat now and how much exercise you get now in order to stay strong well into the future.


Nearly 90 percent of the work required to shift your life towards stellar health and fitness is done on the inside first, however, it doesn’t stop there…you must follow through with physical action…they work hand-in-hand to get the job done.

When we make a conscious effort to increase our health values, the ideas of healthier eating and regular proper exercise automatically move up a few notches in our value system and our beliefs and perceptions begin to shift.

Additionally, the better care we take of ourselves the higher our motivation levels climb as well until one day they become unstoppable.

Once your mind is aligned with your goals and your beliefs and perceptions are working with you…not against you then “follow through” with action becomes much easier to perform.


It doesn’t matter what sort of beliefs you may or may not have about your after-life. The only thing that matters is what you are actively doing to enjoy the life you are in.



You are either actively participating in helping yourself to achieve health and fitness or you are contributing to its neglect.

Let’s get real. Deep down you already know that eating a balanced diet of high quality whole foods, drinking the freshest, cleanest water you can find and engaging in regular challenging exercise is the key to stellar health, preventing disease and dancing into your nineties.

So, what are you waiting for? It doesn’t matter if you’ve never made health a priority in your life before. Don’t look back…focus in the now and do it today. Refuse to settle for less…know that your perceptions and beliefs are dictating your value system and your priorities and they in turn are dictating how you direct your life.

It all begins with you. No one can place health and fitness at the top of your priority list but you. You must own your health and fitness in your mind first and when you do, your actions and your life will automatically reflect this.

Soon you’ll be doing it effortlessly and getting healthier by the day.

If you are serious about achieving a truly healthy lifestyle that will take care of you long into your senior years visit “Reclaim Your Longevity” .

Everything you need to live a long healthy life…dancing well into your senior years is included in this program that is geared towards helping you to find the “fountain of youth.”

Strong Toned Muscles Build a Strong Healthy Metabolism


The measurement of muscle mass/size means “how many pounds of lean muscle mass you have.” The less muscle mass your body has, the slower your resting metabolic rate. The slower your metabolic rate is, the harder it is to take or keep weight off.

In fact, one of the biggest reasons why people tend to gain body fat as they get older is not necessarily because they are growing older but rather because their metabolic rate is slowing down. [Read more…]

Your Genes Do Not Determine Your Health and Longevity



Genes have become the “fall guy.” They are the “go to” excuse for disease, disability and eventually death.

Truth is, genes are not the final determining factor of your level of health and longevity.

It is imperative to understand that it is normal for the body to be healthy and well.

Research and ongoing studies continue to reveal that genes are influenced by their environment…and that environment is quite simply…you!



The way you conduct your life on a daily basis in terms of how much exercise you get, what types of food/fuel you feed your body, your sleep patterns, stress levels and other habits actually change the environment of your genes and that in turn changes what they do.

Which ones are switched on and which ones are switched off is totally influenced by you and the environment inside your body.

For example, certain genes can actually make you prone to inflammation which damages cells, tissues and organs and hastens the aging process which is the gradual deterioration and degeneration of function at the cellular and organ level and oxidation which is a process akin to “rusting” of the body.

It really does not matter much what your current health condition is at the moment. The only thing that matters is that you do have the power to build a strong, healthy body that provides optimal disease protection by adopting healthy lifestyle habits. This empowers you to give your DNA a makeover, a second chance of sorts. You begin to shift your life away from disease rather than attracting it.



The keyword here is “you.” You must stop looking outside of yourself for solutions to issues that can only be permanently solved within…your mindset, your beliefs, your perceptions and your actions. Health-care is really only “self-care.” Only you can build that powerhouse body…one that is strong, fit and lean. A vibrant, healthy body with optimal disease protection.

Don’t wait for disease to set in…be proactive and take actions steps to improve your health every day; take time to exercise and feed your body the right fuel so that your immune system is working at peak performance. The focus needs to be you…not anything outside of you.

You can reshuffle your genetic deck in your favor with healthy behaviors and reduce the likelihood of a bad outcome reducing your disease risk by a whopping 80 percent. You are the empowered one…not the doctor, nor the supplement. Neither can come close to offering you such powerful results.

You do have the ability to be disease proof and add years of quality living to your lifespan, but you must embrace and learn certain skills. However once you learn those skills you have them for life.

Take back control and quit giving your power away to “shiny objects” outside of yourself that are temporary “Band-Aids” at best and give yourself the gift of life instead. It’s time to commit to making the proper changes needed to fully protect yourself from preventable “lifestyle” diseases and reap the benefits of health and longevity.

The combination of extended years and more life in those years is truly the best gift you can give yourself.

It really is the “gift that keeps on giving.”

No one will ever care as much as you do about your own health, vitality and well-being. Remember, it is far easier to keep good health than try and recover it after it is lost. Make this your motto and remind yourself of this fact every day.

Focus on living up to your full potential to optimize your health and wellness regardless of age…rather than trying to run from inevitable disease.

Now is the time to take command of your life to avoid disease somewhere down the road.

“Reclaim Your Longevity” can help you do just that…

For more tools and resources from Carolyn Hansen to assist you in attaining your health and fitness goals and achieving the success you desire in life, please visit:

Carolyn Hansen Fitness

Isn’t it time to throw away all the false statements you’ve accepted about dieting and exercise and learn what it really takes to stay healthy and fit long into your senior years?

Strive Only to be the Best YOU Can Be…

color2Are you constantly using others as a bench mark for setting your own goals?

If so, you are treading in dangerous territory. It’s a habit that needs to change.

Allowing others to dictate what it is that you are going after in your own life will have a significant influence on your positive outlook because you are putting your success or failure on something that is out of your own control. [Read more…]

Mighty Mitochondria

mitochondriaThe body needs both spiritual and physical energy to function every day. Spiritual energy is provided by the “life force energy” that resides, flows and surrounds us inside and out.

This energy is transformed into physical energy within the cells of our bodies where mitochondria – small energy factories live and operate. This process for creating energy is known as “cellular respiration.”

[Read more…]

Cash in On Your “Youth Hormones”

fountainofyouthUSE IT OR LOSE IT

Are you still searching for that “magic potion” or “pill” that will help to restore your youth and vitality?

Truth be known, many people want to slow down the aging process and preserve youthfulness but they look everywhere but inside themselves for the answers. [Read more…]

5 Seriously Unhealthy Habits that Add Years to Your Age…

ch66Unhealthy habits that age you…

If you don’t like what you see in the mirror and you seem to be aging faster than your years it’s time to take stock and evaluate your daily habits so you can begin to reverse this accelerated unhealthy trend.

Modern science has proven that lifestyle habits turn into lifestyle diseases. Smoking and obesity are two detrimental lifestyle habits that are obvious. But, there are less obvious factors that are just as destructive and accelerate the aging process shortening lifespans and stealing years away. [Read more…]

Your “Gene-ie” Within…

Genes have become the “fall guy.” They are the “go to” excuse for disease, disability and eventually death.

Truth is, genes do not determine your level of health and longevity. It is imperative to understand that it is normal to be healthy and well. Research and ongoing studies continue to reveal that genes are influenced by their environment…and that environment is quite simply…you!


Lifestyles Matter! 


The way you conduct your life on a daily basis in terms of how much exercise you get, what types of food/fuel you feed your body, your sleep patterns, stress levels and other habits actually change the environment of your genes and that in turn changes what they do. [Read more…]

Healthy Self-Esteem Results in Healthy Active Bodies…


Without healthy self-esteem, it will be impossible to stay on track with your nutrition plan and exercise goals.

In fact, your self-esteem is the foundation, it is the key to your long-term lasting, health promotion success.

Truth is, people get what they believe they deserve – not what they want in life.

If your self-esteem is at a low level (the value you place on yourself), you will not value yourself enough to truly “go for it” in life much less allow yourself the freedom of a fit, healthy and strong body. [Read more…]

Yoga for Body and Mind Health

Yoga infographics set with person in lotus pose wellness and body treatment symbols vector illustration

Eating the right foods and working your muscles like they were created to be used is paramount to anyone whose objective is to live a long healthy, vibrant life.

However, the job doesn’t stop there nor does it start there.

Just as a coin is “two sided”…you are also “two sided”…you have inner mind that must be kept healthy just as you have your outer physical body that must be kept healthy. They work as a team. If one is in chaos, the other one won’t be working at peak performance.

Without a doubt, addressing your muscles needs and your diet goes a long way to fulfilling the needs of your outer physical body, but, if you don’t address your “inner” mind’s needs at the same time, you are facing an uphill battle because you’ll be fighting off your inner demons that are directly responsible for the “stressors” in your life. [Read more…]