Grow Younger from the Inside Out…

chfitness_healthThere are two primary anti-aging strategies that must be part of your everyday lifestyle if you hope to slow the “aging clock.”

Proper challenging exercise is number 1. However, exercise alone won’t get the job done. You need to pair exercise with proper diet.

Let’s get real. Everything you eat becomes the building blocks of your body. Our internal health and external appearance are a reflection of the foods we put into our bodies. [Read more…]

How “Clean” is Your Diet?

eatXcleanWithout a doubt, consistent challenging exercise is the number one anti-aging strategy. However, without the support of a healthy “clean diet” no amount of exercise can make you look and feel young.

A healthy diet is your ticket to feeling better…that’s no big secret, but combine challenging exercise with a healthy clean diet and you also have your best ticket for slowing the aging process.

So, while proper consistent exercise is number one in the anti-aging war, a clean healthy diet ranks number two and is just as important. [Read more…]