Adjust Your “Pain and Pleasure” Associations to Work for You…

fitnessXmotivatioinOf the two primary driving emotions of pain and pleasure, pain will always be the stronger short term motivator and the one that easily derails us from reaching our goals because our brains are naturally wired to move away from pain.

It’s an unfortunate truth that most people who begin a program to shift to their current lifestyles to a healthier lifestyle will eventually fail because their mind associates this process (get healthier) with pain (real or perceived) rather than pleasure.

This causes an internal battle between opposing thoughts to either carry out one action (leading to success) or the other (that does not lead to success.)

For example: shifting to a healthier lifestyle might trigger a negative response in someone’s mind that equates to settling for less satisfying foods like carrot sticks, having to eat bland foods or salads every night or having to exercise everyday. So immediately the “pain” response takes over and causes them to want to flee. [Read more…]

Tips to Avoid Injuries When Strength Training…

chfitnessXhealthWithout a doubt, strength training is the key to staying fit and healthy long into your senior years.

However, like anything else, there are challenges you face when beginning a new strength training program.

When you work muscles that have not been worked for a while it is normal to feel dull aches and or soreness in these muscles. This pain is caused by the micro-trauma of muscle fibers from the connective tissues in the body.

This is absolutely normal and healthy. In fact the term “no pain, no gain” is appropriate but even better is “no strain, no gain.” [Read more…]

Tips for Burning Body Fat and Building Lean Muscle Mass…

healthy_bodyWithout a doubt it takes determination, focus and patience to achieve your fat loss goals and  fitness goals.

Those that are serious about both body weight management and health improvement know that diet and exercise go hand in hand.

Getting help along the way is an added bonus that also helps us to stick to our plans and work through those tough moments when we’re feeling “out of sorts” and fall off our diet plan or just can’t get motivated to exercise. [Read more…]

Strength Training Strengthens You Inwardly and Outwardly…

chfitness4High intensity, short duration workouts where are you working hard and focused the whole time are the ideal workout. In fact, if you are spending two hours at the gym in one session you need to examine why.

It’s true, cardio activity has its place. It’s great for overall body fitness but not the best way to actually lose weight, build muscle or increase bone density. [Read more…]

Improve Your Posture and Look Years Younger…

postureThe importance of proper posture for overall health and fitness is often mistakenly overlooked by fitness enthusiasts and fitness advisers alike.

Truth is, without good posture you cannot really be physically fit.

What is good posture and why is it so important? [Read more…]

“Happiness is the Highest Form of Health”


“Remember, happiness doesn’t depend upon who you are or what you have, it depends solely upon what you think.”
                          Dale Carnegie

Studies have proven that there is a definite connection between happiness and health. For the most part, people who are happier experience better overall health. [Read more…]

Telomeres…Your Tiny Genetic Clocks…

telomeresScience knows that the key to living a long healthy life in a young body requires that we protect our cell’s DNA. If you are not familiar with the word telomeres it won’t be long before you are. This is where your telomeres are located.

A telomere is an area of repetitive DNA at the end of chromosomes. They protect them from fusing with each other or rearranging. You could sort of think of them as “caps”…caps that protect the chromosome from destruction. [Read more…]

Muscles are Mandatory…

strengthXexerciseBeing in good physical shape reduces a person’s risk of dying not only from cancer but heart disease and other causes as well.

Truth is, studies reveal that inactive people are nearly three times more likely to die of premature and preventable disease.

Muscles are mandatory…if they were not the body would not be laced with them. So, they must be kept strong and healthy if they are to do their job correctly. [Read more…]

Looking to Regain Your Youthful Appearance and Vitality?

youthfulXlooksXandXantiagingThe results are in: weak, sagging flabby muscles, the result of not doing enough muscle building and maintenance activity add years to the way you look and feel.

Accelerated and premature aging is fueled by the lack of growth and repair of hormones. This automatically happens to all of us as we get older but can be slowed down considerably if we give our muscles the needed work they require.

Truth is, as we enter into our 30’s and beyond, the proteins that provide our skin with firmness and elasticity slow down and cells in and under our skin become less active and essentially “go to sleep.” [Read more…]

The Key to Healthy Longevity is Movement…

seniorXexercisingGetting older is definitely a privilege that many are denied. But it also comes with a set of challenges.

Aging graciously requires enduring transformation that continually improves one’s physical health.

There is only one antidote for aging and that is “movement.” Lack of movement is devastating to the human body. [Read more…]