Muscles are Mandatory…

strengthXexerciseBeing in good physical shape reduces a person’s risk of dying not only from cancer but heart disease and other causes as well.

Truth is, studies reveal that inactive people are nearly three times more likely to die of premature and preventable disease.

Muscles are mandatory…if they were not the body would not be laced with them. So, they must be kept strong and healthy if they are to do their job correctly. [Read more…]

Looking to Regain Your Youthful Appearance and Vitality?

youthfulXlooksXandXantiagingThe results are in: weak, sagging flabby muscles, the result of not doing enough muscle building and maintenance activity add years to the way you look and feel.

Accelerated and premature aging is fueled by the lack of growth and repair of hormones. This automatically happens to all of us as we get older but can be slowed down considerably if we give our muscles the needed work they require.

Truth is, as we enter into our 30’s and beyond, the proteins that provide our skin with firmness and elasticity slow down and cells in and under our skin become less active and essentially “go to sleep.” [Read more…]

The Key to Healthy Longevity is Movement…

seniorXexercisingGetting older is definitely a privilege that many are denied. But it also comes with a set of challenges.

Aging graciously requires enduring transformation that continually improves one’s physical health.

There is only one antidote for aging and that is “movement.” Lack of movement is devastating to the human body. [Read more…]

Sleep Like a Baby for Body Rejuvenation

babyXsleepPoor quality or chronic lack of sleep can play havoc in our lives and have an incredible negative effect on how we feel and look.

Truth is, sleep is a powerful rejuvenating factor and one of the most powerful components to looking and feeling young. It is a true warrior in the anti-aging arena.

Consistent lack of quality sleep hinders metabolism and hormone production. [Read more…]

Exercise and Endorphins are a “Happy Team”

ENDORPHINSXANDXHAPPINESS2Working out is no longer just about working out your physical frame and building muscle. Many recent studies are now focused on how exercise boosts brain function regardless of age or level of fitness.

Studies prove that making time for exercise (treating it as a priority) provides some serious mental benefit’s such as an increase and boost in mood and lowered rates of depression. [Read more…]