Adjust Your “Pain and Pleasure” Associations to Work for You…

fitnessXmotivatioinOf the two primary driving emotions of pain and pleasure, pain will always be the stronger short term motivator and the one that easily derails us from reaching our goals because our brains are naturally wired to move away from pain.

It’s an unfortunate truth that most people who begin a program to shift to their current lifestyles to a healthier lifestyle will eventually fail because their mind associates this process (get healthier) with pain (real or perceived) rather than pleasure.

This causes an internal battle between opposing thoughts to either carry out one action (leading to success) or the other (that does not lead to success.)

For example: shifting to a healthier lifestyle might trigger a negative response in someone’s mind that equates to settling for less satisfying foods like carrot sticks, having to eat bland foods or salads every night or having to exercise everyday. So immediately the “pain” response takes over and causes them to want to flee. [Read more…]

Table Tactics to Help You Succeed with your Fat Loss and Diet…

veggiesThere are many tactics and ideas that will help us prime our bodies for dieting success.

Let’s explore a handful of ideas and tips that are simple but empowering and can be incorporated right at the dinner table:

Adjust your meal frequency: If you currently follow a strict diet protocol of “three square” meals daily, it’s time to expand your horizons and move towards a higher meal frequency. [Read more…]

Less Obvious Foods that are Seriously Damaging Your Health…

fatXfreeXfoods2Because of media coverage, access to the computer and a desire to be healthier, many people are becoming smarter and aware of the damage that trans fats, high fructose corn syrup and white flour/sugar do to your body.

But there are less obvious foods that don’t get the attention that these do that can be just as or almost as damaging to your health.

Education is key. You won’t eliminate from your diet foods that are dangerous if you are not aware of what they are and why they are dangerous. [Read more…]

Organic and Natural are NOT the Same…

organicOrganic foods are gaining in popularity and what was once found only in health food stores is now a regular feature in most supermarkets.

The word “organic” denotes the way farmers grow and process agricultural products like veggies, fruits, grains, dairy products and meat. Organic agricultural practices are designed to further soil and water conservation and cut down on pollution.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has established an organic certificate program that requires all organic foods to fit strict government standards. These measures regulate how such foods are raised, handled and processed.

Organic farmers do not utilize conventional techniques to fertilize, contain weeks, or prevent livestock disease. They are not allowed to use synthetic pesticides, bio engineered genes (GMO’S), sewage sludge based fertilizers or petroleum-based fertilizers.  Rather than utilizing chemical weed killers, organic farmers might conduct more advanced crop rotations and spread mulch or manure to keep weeks cornered. When it comes to livestock, organic livestock must be fed organic feed and have access to the outdoors. No antibiotic, growth hormones or animal by products are allowed.

Conventional farmers on the other hand, utilize pesticides to protect their crops from molds, insects and diseases. This spray pesticide leaves residue on produce. People that buy organic want to restrict their exposure to these dangerous residues because organic produce bears significantly fewer pesticide residues than conventionally grown produce.

When a food item holds a Department of Agriculture Organic label, it means it’s produced and processed according to the Department of Agriculture criteria. Products that are 95 percent or more organic can display the organic seal. Although the seal is voluntary, a lot of organic producers utilize it for obvious reasons.

In order to say 100 percent organic, products must be either totally organic or made of all organic components. Products such as fruits, veggies, eggs or other single-ingredient foods are marked 100 percent organic and may also carry the Department of Agriculture seal.

If a food label says “made with organic ingredients” it’s only 70 percent organic ingredients that were used. Foods with less than 70 percent organic components cannot utilize the seal or the word “organic” on their product labels although they include the organic items in their ingredient list.

Be aware that organic and natural are not interchangeable terms. “Natural,” “all natural,” “free-range,” or hormone-free” on food labels do not mean organic.

Bottom line is only foods that are raised and processed according to the Department of Agriculture organic criteria may be labeled organic.

Although conventionally grown produce commonly costs less, is this savings worth putting your health at risk? Only you can make that decision. Truth is, the money you save now by eating conventionally grown produce will likely be spent down the road to patch your health from the destruction that those pesticides and chemicals over time have caused.

The equation is fairly simple: To maintain long-term health and prevent diet-related diseases, stick to a healthy balanced diet that is rich in an assortment of nutritious foods and whenever possible buy organic to avoid those damaging pesticides and chemicals.

Be sure and check out the newest addition to my anti-aging library of help…“Reclaim Your Longevity.”

Tips to Avoid Injuries When Strength Training…

chfitnessXhealthWithout a doubt, strength training is the key to staying fit and healthy long into your senior years.

However, like anything else, there are challenges you face when beginning a new strength training program.

When you work muscles that have not been worked for a while it is normal to feel dull aches and or soreness in these muscles. This pain is caused by the micro-trauma of muscle fibers from the connective tissues in the body.

This is absolutely normal and healthy. In fact the term “no pain, no gain” is appropriate but even better is “no strain, no gain.” [Read more…]

Tips for Burning Body Fat and Building Lean Muscle Mass…

healthy_bodyWithout a doubt it takes determination, focus and patience to achieve your fat loss goals and  fitness goals.

Those that are serious about both body weight management and health improvement know that diet and exercise go hand in hand.

Getting help along the way is an added bonus that also helps us to stick to our plans and work through those tough moments when we’re feeling “out of sorts” and fall off our diet plan or just can’t get motivated to exercise. [Read more…]

Strength Training Strengthens You Inwardly and Outwardly…

chfitness4High intensity, short duration workouts where are you working hard and focused the whole time are the ideal workout. In fact, if you are spending two hours at the gym in one session you need to examine why.

It’s true, cardio activity has its place. It’s great for overall body fitness but not the best way to actually lose weight, build muscle or increase bone density. [Read more…]

Improve Your Posture and Look Years Younger…

postureThe importance of proper posture for overall health and fitness is often mistakenly overlooked by fitness enthusiasts and fitness advisers alike.

Truth is, without good posture you cannot really be physically fit.

What is good posture and why is it so important? [Read more…]

Anti-aging Superstar Foods…

healthyXfoodsIf you are on a quest to extend your longevity you already understand the importance of “what’s on your plate.”

The ideal diet is one that is varied and supports a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables across the board.

However there are certain super-foods within these groups that shine like the “morning star” in our quest for the “fountain of youth” because they offer such powerful anti aging properties. They should be included in our diets as much as possible.

[Read more…]

Train Your Mind and Shift Your Life…


Have you ever stopped to listen to yourself? I don’t mean out loud verbal listening…I am talking about listening to all those thoughts that freely without obstruction control your mind and thus your life?

If we ever hope to shift our life to something better, if we ever hope to transform our lives into something we love then we must get familiar with how we work and learn where the controls are.

Unfortunately when we are born we do not come with an “instruction” manual. Life is an adventure, a journey that happens as we are creating it. And, that’s the key to this whole puzzle.

Life unveils itself in the moment, so, the obvious key is to study and understand how we “operate” in the moment.

It’s at this moment that you finally “meet yourself” for the first time and really begin “listening” to your self-talk.

Self-talk is all those voices in our heads. And, there are many.

Self-talk is essentially the statements that we repeat to ourselves throughout the course of the day. Unlike affirmations that are planned, these thoughts are random and never planned. They are automatic thoughts that pop into your mind.

The first step to managing your personal self-talk is to put serious effort into tuning into your automatic thoughts. As you experience your day rather than go at it blind and allow whatever thoughts want to rule take command, you step to the place and begin to study them.

In other words, no longer do you allow your thoughts to control you as a spoiled child might want to do. You take control and begin focusing on what it is that your mind is telling you for each interaction throughout your day.

For example: Let’s say you are running late for an appointment. How do you handle it? What runs through your mind in those moments?

Are you berating yourself? Coming down on yourself and telling yourself things like: “so typical, you are always late. You always seem to find a way to screw things up.”

That’s negative self-talk. When you try your hand at a new project but it does not turn out do you see yourself as a “failure.” If so, that’s more negative self-talk.

This kind of self-talk is very powerful in its effects and will eventually begin to dictate and reflect in your whole life.

However, once you begin to be engaged with yourself and study your thoughts…you begin shifting your thoughts from negative to positive in nature and in the end your life transforms too because your life is nothing but a reflection of your thoughts.

The best way to train your mind to stay aligned with your new positive nature is to focus on tuning all your thoughts for one week.

Don’t worry so much about changing them at this point, just focus and become more aware of each moment and your participation in it.

This can be tough at first because you are shifting your attention from the external world to your internal one. You have discovered that the controls to your life are on the inside not the outside.

Once you have a spent a week getting familiar with your thoughts and your reactions to situations, the next step would be to start changing any negative thoughts that surface with at least 3 positive or neutral statements.

Focusing on creating 3 new choices rather than one gives you more ammunition to begin shifting these thoughts to the positive side. As time goes on and you keep doing the 3:1 positive to negative statements, you will see the frequency of the negative statements going down as this happens and you can start to shift the ratio to just 1:1 instead.

You are actively changing how your brain thinks and banishing negativity from your thought process. The negative statements that previously focused on you, now become more positive statements that focus on the situation or circumstance although they still have some relation to you as a person.

The next time you fail at a project your thoughts no longer immediately go to “I am a loser” but will think new thoughts such as “at least I tried and put myself out there.”

The more often you do this the more your mind is trained to the positive side of life because you begin to feel empowered and in control, something  you did not have before. This is a very powerful feeling and helps you stay aligned with the right direction of where you want your mind to be.

All of these changes take patience and determination on your part. You did not develop your negative thoughts and habits overnight and neither can you shift them overnight. Each time you move past negative patterns that previously controlled you the feeling of empowerment grows stronger and stronger until one day you find that your immediate thoughts in any given circumstance are now shifted into positive ones and this new positive nature reflects in your life.

The important thing to remember is that the goal is to release yourself from your negative programming.

Be sure and check out my newest addition to my anti-aging library of help…“Reclaim Your Longevity.”