Green Smoothie Greatness

green smoothieLooking good and feeling better should be as simple as eating better and not about eating less.

We need to eliminate the known culprits in our food that have been linked to skyrocketing levels of degenerative disease and weight gain that is plaguing our modern world.

Foods such as bad carbs…white flour, white sugar and bad fats (such as saturated and trans fats) along with a raft of unhealthy chemicals and preservatives in our diets that continue to makes us the unhealthiest we have ever been.

Eating healthy, raw, whole, clean foods help your body to feel lighter, more energized and all around more healthy. It works to rebuild healthy digestion, energy production, metabolism and weight management. [Read more…]

Raw Desserts Rock…Chocolate Chip Tartlet

cherry tartletEnjoying dessert is one of man’s pleasures. It’s just a shame that most of us feel some sort of accompanying “guilt” when trying to enjoy these sweet treats. Plain and simple it should be a pleasure but not a guilty pleasure.

It doesn’t have to be that way. Yes, things will have to change if you want to “enjoy your cake and eat it too”…but you’ll be rewarded with guilt free desserts that not only taste yummy and look delicious but taste even better than the ones you’ve been eating that offer little if any nutrition but are heavy on the calories.

What are these mystery desserts that allow you to enjoy them without the guilt monster killing the moment?

Raw desserts. That’s right. Making and enjoying raw desserts kills the guilt monster and allows you to enjoy some of your favorite desserts made with all natural ingredients. [Read more…]

Health Risks are You Paying Attention?

healthrisk1Chronic disease (diseases that are incurable and continue to slowly worsen during a person’s lifetime) is a modern health holocaust and accounts for 70 percent of all deaths.

Despite the fact that these particular diseases are incurable, they need to be understood as preventable. Rather than working to prevent people from becoming afflicted with these dreadful diseases in the first place, a full 75% of all medical care costs are drained from our economy simply because we cater to the “walking wounded”…those people that are not truly well, but they are also not so unwell that they have become bedridden…yet. [Read more…]

Exercise is the Best Medicine

strength training3If you struggle to work-out on a consistent basis, it’s likely some sort of perception you are harboring about it.

That’s what needs to shift first. Look into yourself and your beliefs. If your beliefs have you perceiving exercise as a chore and something you must push yourself to do then switch it up. Change your perspective and begin thinking of your exercise program as medicine. Because that’s exactly what it is.

Imagine in your mind the kind of medicine that brings about positive changes towards reducing human and financial losses associated with chronic life threatening diseases on a personal and global basis. [Read more…]

Sarcopenia is Only for the Weak

sarcopenia2Wrinkled, sagging skin, hair loss, trembling hands, loss of coordination and bent-over stooped posture are all signs of aging. The good news is these classic signs of aging are not inevitable.

Researchers now understand that stooped posture and the loss of muscle mass that causes slow, unsteady movements is the result of a condition known as sarcopenia.

Sarcopenia is characterized by subtle symptoms such as difficulty gripping objects, rising from chairs, walking and maintaining balance.

This debilitating condition strikes both the young and old and is predicted to become one of the biggest healthy problems the world faces. [Read more…]

Strength Training is the First Key to Longevity

strengthtraining1It’s no secret that a healthy lifestyle is the key to living a long, vital life.

The 100 thousand dollar question is this: “What do we need to do to secure a better future for our health”? In order to understand that, we must first learn what happens to the human body that allows disease to invade it in the first place.

Up until the age of approximately 25 years, our bodies are continually growing and developing and the muscles and entire body stay strong even without specific exercise. After we reach the age of 30, the story changes and we are presented with two options.

We either address this issues and work to maintain our strength for the rest of our lives…or… [Read more…]