Raw Desserts Rock…Chocolate Chip Tartlet

cherry tartletEnjoying dessert is one of man’s pleasures. It’s just a shame that most of us feel some sort of accompanying “guilt” when trying to enjoy these sweet treats. Plain and simple it should be a pleasure but not a guilty pleasure.

It doesn’t have to be that way. Yes, things will have to change if you want to “enjoy your cake and eat it too”…but you’ll be rewarded with guilt free desserts that not only taste yummy and look delicious but taste even better than the ones you’ve been eating that offer little if any nutrition but are heavy on the calories.

What are these mystery desserts that allow you to enjoy them without the guilt monster killing the moment?

Raw desserts. That’s right. Making and enjoying raw desserts kills the guilt monster and allows you to enjoy some of your favorite desserts made with all natural ingredients. [Read more…]